Monthly Archives: January 2016

Special “Weekend Wisdom” E-dition



This Week’s Top Stories

image005OUR NUMBER ONE REALLY BIG NEWS STORY THIS WEEK was in our Another “Really Easy Prediction” E-dition, when The Blower said, “And Some People Actually Wonder How We Do It.”image004

image005OUR NUMBER TWO REALLY BIG NEWS STORY THIS WEEK was in our Just Another “Guest Column” E-dition, when our Guest Editor was none other Matt Drudge, publisher of the Drudge Report, who now appears to be following The Blower’s suggestion to ask his readers “Who Is Your Presidential Pick For President,” instead of the totally meaningless question “Who Do You Think Won The Debate.image005

image005AND OUR THREE REALLY BIG NEWS STORY THIS WEEK was in our “Whistleblower War On Women” E-dition, when The Blower said, “It’s Not Like She’s Really A Bimbo Or Something”image006image003

 Edward Cropper’s World


O’Reilly Appeals to Trump to Embrace the Christian Value of Forgiveness; Brit, We Hardly Knew Ye; and Fox News Caves! Will Replace Megan Kelly For Tonight’s Debate.image008

You can see more of Mr. Cropper’s fine work HERE.image003

 This Week’s Top Item On The Conservative Agenda

 image010Politico says nothing like Donald Trump has ever hit a major American political party: A blow-dried celebrity gleefully smashing one modern Republican certainty after the other. As he defies his own party on tax orthodoxy, on healthcare and on bending a knee to Roger Ailes, he’s exposed the GOP establishment as virtually powerless over its own nominating process. His rise has now created a split so deep that it’s not clear how the party is going to recover. Some conservatives are trying to crush his candidacy, others are finally embracing him, and they’re all lobbing grenades at each other. So is this the end of the GOP as we know it? The Blower certainly hopes so. Did Trump kill the GOP? With any luck, he might have saved it.


image011The Blower believes the next 282 days will be the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media. Congress and Kneepad Liberals in the Press will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity to advance to Liberal Agenda.

But as The Blower predicted, news coverage will continue to be Biased and Dishonest to appeal to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, like the ones on Channel 5, and watching Ryan and McConnell these days is enough to make some Real Republicans say “Screw it,” and become Libertarians, as if that would do anybody any good. 

Meanwhile, some other current items on The Conservative Agenda will just have to wait, including: Obama’s Leadership, The Clinton Legacy, Other Dishonest Democrats, Obama’s Secret Service, Biden’s Blunders, Obama Supporters In The Press, DemocRATS In Disarray, Polling For Trolls, Veterans, Racial Healing, Amnesty For Future DemocRATS, Baby Killing, and Making Sure Not To Hurt The Feelings Of All Those Murdering Muslim Bastards.image003

This Week’s Liberal Liar Award

Reacting more as a supporter than an impartial observer, NBC anchor Lester Holt, during a scripted interview with Deceitful DemocRAT presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, admitted he “winced” when he heard someone call her “dishonest.” He then worried: “Do you get your feelings hurt sometimes?”image013


 Whistleblower War on Political Correctness

image015In Maryland, the Carroll County Times defines “Political Correctness” — absolutely the first part, and definitely not the second. The concept is abhorrent since it distorts or attempts to eliminate historical truths to make them fit the viewpoint of modern society. Perfectly good words, phrases, job titles and the like are considered to be offensive to a portion of the population for no reason that is apparent to me. Certain segments of our society seem to be overly sensitive to things that are not directed toward them individually or as a group. They are simply historical leftovers that aren’t in line with current views of society. History is what it is, the record of things that happened in the past. It is inevitable that some of those happenings were unpleasant by today’s standards, but removing things that may remind us of them will not remove them from our past.

Fortunately, every day, More People Are Finally Catching On That Political Correctness Is Destroying America.

image016Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry, according to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House —Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, who would rather ride to downtown Cincinnati on a bus and stand in line for three hours to vote, than mail in absentee ballots.

Now Here’s Today’s Politically Incorrect Joke: WLW Hate Radio Trash Talking Racist-in-Residence Bill Cunningham told us this one: Q. What is the difference between George W. Bush and Bill Clinton?A. Bush keeps his Hummer in the garage.image003

Clermont Cronies

image018 Lobbying has already begun in earnest on both sides over the highly anticipated showdown taking place in Batavia in Clermont County Wednesday night. The event is a battle between the TEA Party and Establishment Republicans over whether to “UNENDORSE” “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup because he voted for the Paul Ryan-Obama omnibus budget in December.  Bronze Star received the party’s endorsement in December much to the chagrin of Tea Partiers who are still trying to figure out how he got the endorsement in the first place. E-mails, calls, and promises are flying in all directions among members of the Clermont Central Committee. The vote will demonstrate whether Party Chairman Dave Uible has control over his Central Committee or not.  Uible is the County Chair for the Wenstrup campaign and opposed to “Bronze Star’s” un-endorsement.  This will be a true test of Uible’s leadership. We’ll have the event covered for you.image003

Angry Andersonians

image019What can be said about township trustees and economic development leaders that think senior housing is more important than schools?

What can be said about a school board intentionally providing unequal opportunities for all students and getting away with it?

What can be said about township leaders who think that telling little truths and little lies justify covering the big truths and the big lies?

And what can be said about residents willing to put up with such leaders totally lacking vision and unworthy of trust? 

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Think about some of those things when you pay your jacked-up property taxes tomorrow, because The Blower will be continuing to investigate how Disgraced Ex-Anderson Township Trustee Kevin P. O’Brien, who could have gotten his revenge managing the campaign of the Dishonest Disguised Obama Liberal DemocRAT that ambushed long-time Anderson Township Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson by telling a lot of lies and successfully convinced a big bunch of dumbed-down voters that she was truly “non-partisan.” There’s no big rush, however, since, voters in Anderson will still have 1,374 days before they can undo the damage that was done.image003

 Bluegrass Blasts

image020Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says according Dana Hatic at Eater, Politically Correct students at the University of Kentucky now have the distinct privilege of being able to get college credit for eating tacos and burritos just like Obama. According to Munchies, the university is offering an undergraduate class called “Taco Literacy: Public Advocacy and Mexican Food in the US South,” and the professor behind it wants to use tacos as an avenue for students to learn more about how people can forge social connections through food. “This class allows our students to explore the issues of immigration, inequality, workers, intercultural communication, and literacy through the prism of food,” Steven Alvarez, an assistant professor from the school’s writing, rhetoric, and digital studies department told Munchies.image003

 The Feck Stops Here

For most Republicans running for President, being endorsed by The New York Times along with Dishonest DemocRAT Hillary Clinton would be the Kiss of Death. Not so for Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich and his campaign supporters at The Fishwrap.image022

Meanwhile, our Feckless Fishwrappers continue to promote all their other favorite Liberal Causes, as well as supporting “Millennials, Public Breast-feeders, Trans-Racists Who Want To Call Themselves Black, Transgenders Just Looking for a Place to Pee, Over-Sexed Swingers in the Suburbs, Perverted Physicians, and Corpsefuckers at the Morgue, along with PC (If It’s Politically Correct, You Can’t Object), Tree Hugging, Keeping People From Smoking, Diversity Uber Alles, Unions Blues, Fanatical Feminists, Supporting Sodomy Rites, Global Warming: G-Uncontrol, Liberal Brainwashing In Schools, Voting Rights For People Who Are Too Stupid To Vote, Streetcars, Scalping the Washington Redskins, and Giving Away Free Stuff With Your Money.

image024But why should any of this surprise you? After all, don’t our Feckless Fishwrappers always say:  It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made our area great, it’s our “Disgraceful Diversity.”image003image015