Daily Archives: January 22, 2016

Special “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition



Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest

Time Out From Tweets

This week, everybody who spends entirely too much time on Facebook when she should be working, tweeted an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

image005The winner is once again Marsie Hall Newbold, who wastes so much time posting pictures of her poor dog Sam on Facebook (shown just after Marsie had his balls cut off), our FaceBook Fanatic has really fallen behind watching her soap operas.

Marsie wins a book about how to stop wasting so much time on the internet, a TweetDeck (whatever the hell that is) to manage all of her social media accounts at once, but best of all, free membership in BFFs Anonymous. Her winning entry is:

When somebody sends you a ‘tweet’
Don’t think it’s because you’re so sweet.
They just want you to know
You’re a part of their show
Who’s just feeding their bloated conceit.

And from our Anderson Laureate, who says all that’s Twittered is not gold:
When someone sends you a tweet
To tell you they’re crossing the street
Every minor detail
Text, twitter or e-mail
Some silence would be a real treat.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“At our Groundhog’s Day Party this year.”image006image007