Daily Archives: January 16, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations get their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these:

image004Friday Fox Follies – Funny Is As Funny Does: There’s are so many unintended laughs on the Fox “News” Channel that maybe it’s not just comedy but meta-comedy because the laugh’s on you.

image004Climate Change Now Top Security Threat AND Top Economic Threat – GOP Ignores It Scientists and the military have called climate change our top national security threat. Now it’s also being called our top economic threat.

image004Robert Reich Annihilates Paul Ryan’s Goals in New Video  In a new video, Robert Reich annihilates all Paul Ryan’s upcoming plans for America, revealing them as attacks on our prosperity

image004The White House Blasts Republicans For Being Unhappy That Iran Released 10 US Sailors  White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest blasted Republicans for being unhappy that diplomacy worked and got 10 US sailors released from Iran. Earnest suggested that Republicans would rather start a new war in the Middle East than be happy that the sailors are coming home. 

image004Republican Debates Bombs To New Low As Tens Of Millions Tune Out The GOP  The Fox Business Debate was the least watched Republican debate of the 2016 cycle. The Republican Party has lost 14 million viewers since the first GOP 2016

image004Republican Candidates Say Nothing About Climate Change At Presidential Debate Bernie, Hillary and President Obama have called climate change “our greatest national security threat.” The GOP presidential candidates?

image004Obama Plays Republicans And Gets Exactly What He Wanted Out Of GOP Debate  President Obama laid out the bait when he outlined his positive vision for America, and the Republican presidential candidates couldn’t resist. Instead of talking about the Democratic candidates, the Republican field spent the night lost in an alternate universe of despair.

image004NY Times Columnist David Brooks Missed The Mark Slamming Cruz’s Non-Christian “Brutalism”  Brooks slammed Cruz for manufacturing “an atmosphere of menace” but Cruz’s scorched-Earth religious agenda is right out of the Old Testament

image004Rand Paul Petulantly Flips Off GOP and Fox News for His Fans  Rand Paul gave the finger to everyone else for his failed campaign, staging a virtual rally at Twitter for those few who still care

And Progressive Publications Get To Choose Their Liberal Editorial Cartoons Here image013 image014 Powerball image016 image017 image018 State of the Union image020 image021image003image009