Daily Archives: January 14, 2016

Special “Primary Concerns” E-dition



And Being Trashed Up One Side And Down The Other

Does Ohio 27th District State Rep-Tile “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman really have an opponent in the March 15 Primary in only 61 more days?image004

image004That’s what Breitbart is reporting, but you probably haven’t heard much about it the local press. It says here that a TEA Party lady named Heidi Huber, a native Cincinnatian and wife and mother of three, is running against “TaxKiller Tom” because Brinkman “talked the talk” while he was running for his position, but now he isn’t “walking the talk.” Maybe if Brinkman were now just not “walking the walk,” he might not now have a primary opponent.image007

 But since he’s now being accused of the worse offense of not “walking the talk,” Brinkman is now being opposed by “A Woman Scorned.”image009

 Heidi says there are several more political clichés she plans to use tonight during the Common Core Education Forum at the Anderson Center. Which would be all right, as long as Heidi doesn’t say things like, “I’m overwhelmed by the encouragement I have been getting to run,” “The only poll that matters is the one on Election Day,” and “It’s all going to come down to turnout.”image010

Maybe “TaxKiller Tom” should show up at the Anderson Center at 7 PM tonight and tell people, “I won’t engage in hypotheticals.”image011image010image001