Daily Archives: January 2, 2016

Special “Conservative Communications Update” E-dition

JAN 2 Conservative Communications Update


And We Thought We Were The Only Ones Who Ever Had A Problem

 image004This afternoon in the Whistleblower Newsroom, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo was checking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane’s Faux Facebook Page, and it seemed as if one of our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher’s Faux Facebook Friends was having a few communication problems with Cincinnati Bell.


“Good Luck, Brandon,” Kane said, “The last time we wrote anything about Cincinnati Bell was that Emergency Update last March 28 that looked something like this:

image008Emergency Update

Saturday Morning at 8:30 AM EDT (8:30 PM in the Philippines, The Blower was informed by a very apologetic Cincinnati Bell technician that at long last, Persons of Consequence on the Exclusive Whistleblower E-mail List who unfortunately happen to be Fuse.Net and Zoomtown.com customers would once again be receiving their daily media advisories from The Blower because the problem had finally been located and Fuse.net and Zoomtown.com would no longer be continuing to mislabeled all communications from The Blower as “spam.”

Imagine our surprise when we received the following response to the test message we sent them.

5.7.1 Message blocked due to spam content in the message

 Meanwhile, if anybody happens to be talking to likes of Fuse.net and Zoomtown.com customers like Russ Jackson Jr., Tim Pennington, Joe Gorman, James Adams, Cathy Brinkman, John Becker, Tom Bryan, Andrew S. Pappas, Ann Becker, or Brian Shrive today, please let them know The Blower is still in business at Whistleblower-Newswire.com.image009

What’s more, The Blower wasn’t even a Cincinnati Bell customer, just another Cincinnati Bell victim.”image007image008