Daily Archives: October 13, 2016

Another “PussyGate Update” E-dition



Disgruntled DemocRATS Welcome Too

Auditions for Bill Clinton Rapist Protesters are currently being held in the offices of Scorched Earth Productions at 700 Walnut Street to select people who wish to get themselves on TV by disrupting tomorrow’s phony baloney speech by Disgraced Former Pants-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton, who’s scheduled to make a campaign appearance for Crooked Hillary at tomorrow afternoon’s rally at Washington Park in Over-the-Rhine.image005 image007 image009 image011 image013 Bill Clinton Rapist Protesters are needed for all upcoming Disingenuous DemocRAT Surrogate and Candidate Events for Hillary, Slick Willie, Tim Kaine, and Obama.

Earn $1,000 Each Time You Get Yourself On TVimage003 image009