This Week’s Top Stories
OUR NUMBER ONE STORY THIS WEEK was “Hillary’s History” (So How Bad Were Those Clintons Anyway?)
OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was “Clinton Corruption” (Demanding Comey’s Resignation)
AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK was “PussyGate” (All This Campaign Needed Was A Good Smear)

Edward Cropper’s World
You can see more of Mr. Cropper’s fine work HERE.
This Week’s Top Item On The Conservative Agenda
America’s Biased And Abusive News Media Has Finally Abandon All Pretense Of Fairness
WND says Only one thing could be more bizarre, in the United States of America, than electing Hillary Rodham Clinton as president – a sick old woman who lies continually, values nothing but her own power and wealth, has no record of positive accomplishments, advocates disastrous policies, and has spent a lifetime wallowing in corruption and criminality … and pulling all those around her down into the same muck. That one thing even more bizarre would be the current specter of virtually the entire establishment news media, who traditionally have feigned impartiality and fairness, now falling over one another in a frenzied campaign to put the Clintons back in the White House.
Because The Blower believes the next 30 days will be the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media. Congress and Kneepad Liberals in the Press will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity to advance to Liberal Agenda.
Meanwhile, some other current items on The Conservative Agenda will just have to wait, including: Obama’s Leadership, The Clinton Legacy, Other Dishonest Democrats, Obama’s Secret Service, Biden’s Blunders, Obama Supporters In The Press, DemocRATS In Disarray, Polling For Trolls, Veterans, Racial Healing, Amnesty For Future DemocRATS, Baby Killing, and Making Sure Not To Hurt The Feelings Of All Those Murdering Radical Islamic Terrorists Bastards.
This Week’s Liberal Liar Award
Obama: Trump Could Destroy America If He’s Elected President
Radical Islamic Terrorist Update
The’s List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks during the past 30 days details 186 Islamic attacks in 29 countries, in which 1051 people were killed and 1155 injured.
Now Let’s Look At Last Week’s Radical Islamic Attacks
But Only The Stupidest DemocRAT Alive Could Believe It When Obama And Hillary Say We’re Winning
Whistleblower War on Political Correctness
Stop The Presses Patriots Fan Stands On Kaepernick Jersey During The National Anthem
Black Guy Charged For Running Onto Field During Bears Game In Gorilla Suit That Said “All Lives”
In America, Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry, according to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, and Now Plan To Give Obama a Third Term By Voting For Hillary, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, like the ones on Channel 5, 9, 12, and 19, who would rather ride to downtown Cincinnati on a bus and stand in line for three hours to vote, rather than mailing in absentee ballots.
Now Here’s Today’s Politically Incorrect Joke: WLW Hate Radio Trash Talking Racist-in-Residence Bill Cunningham told us this one: Q: Why did President Obama get two terms? A: Because every black man gets a longer sentence.
BLACK (on black) LIES (don’t) MATTER
32% Skip NFL Over Black Lives Matter Player Protests
The growing number of player protests at National Football League games, driven by the Black Lives Matter movement and San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, has prompted nearly a third of Americans to turn the games off, according to a new survey. Rasmussen Reports revealed Tuesday that 32% of American adults say they are “less likely” to watch a game because of the expanding protests over how blacks are treated, especially by police.
Last Night’s Debate Immoderator Did Her Job
Rush Limbaugh says Elaine Quijano kept the emails out of it, she kept the foundation out of it, and she allowed Kaine to interrupt every time Pence got going.
The Feck Stops Here
Is The Fishwrap Editorializing In Its News Coverage These Days?
Meanwhile, our Feckless Fishwrappers are continuing to promote all their other favorite Liberal Causes, as well as supporting “Millennials, Public Breast-feeders, Trans-Racists Who Want To Call Themselves Black, Transsexuals Just Looking for a Place to Pee, Over-Sexed Swingers in the Suburbs, Perverted Physicians, and Corpsefuckers at the Morgue, along with PC (If It’s Politically Correct, You Can’t Object), Tree Hugging, Keeping People From Smoking, Diversity Uber Alles, Unions Blues, Fanatical Feminists, Supporting Sodomy Rites, Global Warming: G-Uncontrol, Liberal Brainwashing In Schools, Voting Rights For People Who Are Too Stupid To Vote, Streetcars, Scalping the Washington Redskins, and Giving Away Free Stuff With Your Money.
But why should any of this surprise you? After all, don’t our Feckless Fishwrappers always say: It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made our area great, it’s our “Disgraceful Diversity.”