Special “Saturday Morning Cartoons” E-dition

saturday-morning-cartoons SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2016

This Morning, As Everybody Hereabouts Is Getting Ready For Tomorrow’s Trump Ambush on TV, Our Conservative Cartoonists Continue Their Caustic Commentary.image005image003

MORE OBAMANATIONSimage006 image007 image010 image011 image012 image013

President Bill Clinton called Obamacare the "craziest thing in the world."

President Bill Clinton called Obamacare the “craziest thing in the world.”

Crazy Bill image016


CAMPAIGN 2016image017 image018 image019

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Kaine the attack dog, Senator Tim Kaine, Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine, Governor Mike Pence, Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence, Donald J. Trump, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Vice Presidential Debate 2016, Plante 20161007

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Kaine the attack dog, Senator Tim Kaine, Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Kaine, Governor Mike Pence, Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence, Donald J. Trump, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Vice Presidential Debate 2016, Plante 20161007

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Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

image025 Naked Aggression

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Governor Mike Pence, Donlad J. Trump, GOP, Republican Party Presidential Candidate 2016, RNC, Vice Presidential Debate 2016, Plante 20161006

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Governor Mike Pence, Donlad J. Trump, GOP, Republican Party Presidential Candidate 2016, RNC, Vice Presidential Debate 2016, Plante 20161006

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Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press


Expect The Battle To Continue For The Next 104* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.image049

*1,124 More “Dee-Days” If You Live In Anderson Township

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