Monthly Archives: March 2017

Special “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition


FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017

No Fool Like an Old Fool

This week, everybody who can’t wait until Saturday to start playing April Fool’s Day jokes, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is Harley Hoodwinker, who likes to watch people’s faces whenever he says, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times…” Harley wins a copy of the “1,001 Best April Fool’s Day Pranks of 2017” so he can plan ahead for next year, a lifetime pass on the new Cincinnati Trolley, and Reds and Bungals playoff tickets. His winning limerick is:

image004There once was an old April fool
Dumb as an ox, stubborn as a mule
He voted with libs
Fell for the DumbocRAT fibs
And left us with Obama to rule.

Here’s a Dishonorable Mention from “In Russ We Trust” Jackson
There once was an Old April Fool,
Who at one time had been very cool,
Now all of his friends,
Send him lots of Depends,
And Kleenex to catch to catch all his drool.

Bobby Leach says this is nostalgic
There once was an old April fool
Who thought that he was really cool
He wore bell bottomed jeans
Like he was still in his teens
And watched TV reruns of the Cool Ghoul.

E Rob Sanders denies he sent this in
There once was an Old April Fool
Who fancied his franchise quite cool.
He refused to trade old Number Nine,
Insisting everything would be fine,
Since all this Fool’s deals are Old School.

Rick “The Bat Boy” Robinson plans to include this in his next book
There once was an old April fool
Who challenged a guy to a duel
But he made a bad deal
The guy was a Navy SEAL
Now in Hades he is under Osama’s rule.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who’s counting the days until his poetic license is restored):
There once was an old April fool
Who forgot what to do with his tool
He got into trouble
When he folded it double
And found himself covered in drool.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“This year on the Reds’ Opening Day”image009

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