Special “107 More Days Till The Election” E-dition

JULY 24 107 DAYS

SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016
Today’s Good News And Bad News
From Our Local Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave”

image007image004THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION GETS UNDERWAY TOMORROW, so get ready for some big-time Trump bashing. Expect to hear from lots of “Trump University” students, as well as contractors, clients, customers, workers and all manner of people who have been stiffed by Trump in his long career as a real estate speculator, builder, developer, and business person. Their goal will be to make Hillary look like a female George Bailey compared to her opponent, Mr. Potter, (DJT) from “It’s a Wonderful Life”. We will see if they are successful. Either way, it will be fun to watch.

image007YESTERDAY, HILLARY FORMALLY INTRODUCED TIM KAINE AS HER VP PICK AT A FLORIDA RALLY. The first words out of his image006mouth were in Spanish, which was a good thing in Florida, with its high percentage of Cubans and Puerto Ricans. Hillary’s pick, like Trump’s VP pick, has been a governor and member of the congress, but the similarity ends there. While Pence came up from being a right-wing talk radio host, who described himself as “Rush Limbaugh on decaf”, Kaine took a break from law school to work as a Jesuit missionary in Honduras. Later, he married the former governor’s daughter and went into politics. Pence is most famous for the Indiana law targeting gays which caused a lot of lost jobs in Indiana, as some companies fled the state.

image007image008THAT BRINGS UP ANOTHER ISSUE, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY’S MIXED MESSAGES ABOUT GAYS. Trump made remarks in his acceptance speech seemingly welcoming gays and saying he would protect them. However the party platform has planks in it about “traditional marriage” and attacking the supreme court decision regarding gay marriage, that send the opposite message, as did his selection of the strongly anti-gay Pence. That discrepancy will likely be pointed out by news media and in the forthcoming debates. Pence may have a lot of back-tracking to do. The most fun of politics is watching politicians try to run backwards while explaining why they didn’t really say what they said.

image007AS WE PREDICTED, the Fox criticism of politicians using teleprompters was suspended for the Republican Convention and they were used by Trump and most other speakers. It will be interesting to see if the suspension holds during the Democrat image010Convention as well. It’s going to be really hard for them to go back to the same line about teleprompters and still hold a STRAIGHT FACE, BUT IF ANYONE CAN DO IT, FOX NEWS CAN.

image007THE SERIAL SEXUAL HARASSER, ROGER AILES OF FOX NEWS is said to be working with the Trump campaign. Trump was asked this question today and basically dodged. It might be very unseemly to have him associated with anyone’s campaign, so expect this to be a closely guarded secret.

image007BAD NEWS FOR HILLARY: Another email scandal has erupted, but this time it’s not about Hillary’s emails, it is about emails within the Democrat National Committee, which show that Bernie was right all along – the DNC was favoring Hillary over Bernie. The fallout from this may hang around for a while and has already claimed one person, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who as a result will not be speaking at the convention. Whether she remains in her party post remains to be seen but other heads could be expected to roll. Also, protests at the convention over this are expected. There is some speculation that the Russians are behind the image011email leak. It is well known that Vladimir Putin likes Trump, and the feeling is mutual, so if that connection is proved, it could also damage Trump.

image007BAD NEWS FOR CRUZ AND KASICH: As we said yesterday, Trump likes to settle old scores. Today, Trump stated that he will fund a Super-PAC to go after Ted Cruz in Cruz’s next election, following his backstabbing speech at the convention. He also stated that he will likely do the same with Kasich and another “small person” that he refused to name. It will be fun to speculate who the “small person to be named later” is. Is it “Little Marco”, Lindsay Graham, Jeb or someone else? As far as we know, Jeb isn’t running for anything in the near future, if ever. Of course, there is a long list of Republican politicians that have not exactly fervently endorsed the Donald, so this may be intended as a threat to those who haven’t come around yet.

image007KAINE: Lastly, the number of Canes in politics is getting confusing. First we had Citizen Kane, (Charles Foster Kane), then John McCain, then Herman Cain and now Tim Kaine. How many Canes do we need? Well, at least they all spell it a little differently but you still need a scorecard to keep them apart.

More Good News And Bad News Tomorrowimage011image010image011