Special “116 More Days Till The Election” E-dition

JULY 15 116 MORE DAYSjpg

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016
Today’s Good News And Bad News
From Our Local Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave”

image005image003Trump Announces TrumpPence Ticket: In an apparent effort to shore up his support among the anti-gay crowd, Trump announced his choice of Indiana Governor Mike Pence today for the Vice Presidential nomination over second choice Chris (Krispy Kreme) Christie and third choice, Newt (the Newtster) Gingrich after all three practically begged for the job. Pence was up against a tough re-election fight anyway. Krispy and the Newtster may now have to find another way to make a living, such as being regulars on Fox News. However, the announcement, originally scheduled for 11:00 A.M. was postponed until tomorrow due to the attack in Nice, France. Out of sympathy for his campaign, Trump didn’t want any other news to overshadow the big announcement.

This fueled speculation that the

If Gov. Mike Pence is selected to be Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, he may have his work cut out for him.

If Gov. Mike Pence is selected to be Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, he may have his work cut out for him.

unpredictable Trump had changed his mind about Pence, leaving him embarrassed and hanging out to dry, especially after every news outlet had already reported that he was the chosen one. No word yet as to when the big announcement will be rescheduled but the clock is running out on Pence, who had to file for reelection by noon today if he is not chosen. Trump however, could wait until sometime during the convention to make an announcement.

As Indiana Governor, Pence signed the so-called “Religious Freedom” bill which permitted discrimination against gays in the state, and subsequently defended it as the right thing to do. The bill caused a huge nationwide uproar, resulting in many companies and corporations refusing to do business in Indiana, which cost the state thousands of jobs. Things got so bad that even many Republicans spoke out against it.

image034Additionally, Pence fought (unsuccessfully, so far) against allowing any Syrian refugees to settle in Indiana.

One of his better ideas as governor was a plan to start up an over-taxed payer funded, state-run news service in Indiana that would feed stories to local newspapers and other media, similar to state-run news agencies in Russia, China and North Korea. The idea was met with horror by the nationwide media and especially by Indiana newspapers, the intended targets. Everyone had little doubt that its real purpose was to feed pro-administration stories to the media to pump up Pence himself for a possible presidential run.

image004With these credentials, he seems like just the right guy to run with Trump. Congratulations, Hoosiers!

image005Good News for Trump? Trump reacted to the latest attack in France by going on Fox News and yelling that we need to get tough on terrorism, should declare war on ISIS and ought not to allow any refugees here from Syria. He is apparently hoping that by acting like a strong-man he will benefit from the event. Hillary too was on Fox News saying that we shouldn’t get sucked into a ground war in Syria and that we need better intelligence. Also, the usual claim that we were not at war with Islam but only radical Jihadists. Time will tell which approach will attract more voters.
image005Good News/Bad News: On Wednesday, Rasmussen was yuuuge for Trump, but there was one showing Hillary up by 10 points nationally and another showing The Donald image042ahead in some swing states. Later, there was another poll with Hillary ahead in swing states. What this means is that it is way too early for polls to have any real significance except to try to stir up the faithful. After the debates, when people have had a chance to see how the candidates react to questions in a pressure situation, the polls will mean more, and possibly a trend will develop.

image005Republican Convention Schedule: The Convention starts Monday evening and runs through Thursday evening. The VP nominee, whoever it may be, is scheduled to speak on Wednesday evening and Trump himself will speak on the last night. Because most of the big shots in the party are boycotting the convention, Trump has decided to fill out the speaking spots with family members, so there will be at least one or two Trumps speaking every night. This tactic may also help to make up for the faint praise for Trump expected from the few party leaders who will speak. No word yet if party chairman Reince Priebus will manage to coerce Ohio Governor Kasich into even attending. Kasich may be laboring under the delusion that the weak “Dump Trump” faction will be successful and then he can ride in on a white horse and claim the nomination.

More Good News And Bad News Tomorrowimage004image003image005