Special “120 More Days Till The Election” E-dition

JULY 11 120 MORE Days

MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016
Today’s Good News and Bad News
From Our Local Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave”

Bad News for Michael Flynnimage004

If you didn’t know who Michael Flynn is before yesterday, you are not alone. He is Trump’s favorite military general and on his short list for Vice President. He seemed perfect for Trump – Besides being a former Army Lieutenant General and head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he is, like Trump, a big fan of Vladimir Putin and has appeared on the cable channel RT (Russia Today) along with Putin himself. For those who don’t watch RT, it is the Kremlin’s version of Fox News, wholly owned and controlled by the Russian Government and Putin. Flynn has other attributes too, in addition to being a high ranking General, he had been forced out for being a bit too outspoken and refusing to go along with Defense Dept. policies, and, unlike Senator McCain, was never captured by an enemy.

But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone. In vetting Flynn, the Trump campaign forgot to give him the memo about the obvious Republican talking points, things like abortion, gay marriage, etc. The general went on Sunday Morning talk shows yesterday totally unprepared for even the simplest questions on those subjects. He promptly stated that abortion was a woman’s choice because she would have to raise a child and that gay marriage was OK with him. Also, he opined that these were not important questions for the country. Even worse, he admitted to being a life-long DemocRAT. With that, you can probably cross him off the short list now. Maybe Trump will offer him a job in the Defense Department as an undersecretary to an undersecretary or something like that, in the unlikely event that he wins election. Unless you watch a lot of RT, you have probably heard the last of General Flynn.

Good News for Mike Penceimage005

With Flynn in the history books, the next VP Candidate-of-the-Day is Indiana Governor Mike Pence. He is the favorite of Republicans in Congress and is a former congressman himself. He has a track record of hating gays and would make an excellent attack dog as a VP candidate. After yesterday’s Flynn debacle, he has a very good chance of getting the job. Trump will have to decide by Friday though, because Pence is up against a deadline on that day to decide if he wants to be on the ballot in Indiana for re-election as governor.

Bad News for Gingrich and Christieimage006

Mike Pence’s elevation is, of course bad news for the Newtster and Chris (Krispy Kreme) Christie, who both very badly want to be the VP pick. However, they are not completely out yet, just greatly diminished. We will know for sure in a matter of days, as the Republican Convention starts a week from today.

More Good News And Bad News Tomorrow From Cincy Daveimage007image017 image018