MONDAY, MAY 02, 2022

Waiting To Hear All The Excuses
This morning at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the turnout for tomorrow’s Primary Elections in Ohio, while we were trying to recall all of those excuses legendary local advertising man Jerry Galvin had come up with many years ago to explain why people didn’t vote as part of his public service campaign to encourage people to vote on Election Day.
TOP TEN LIST: We couldn’t remember Galvin’s great excuses, but we did remember last year when we ripped off his idea to come up with our own Top Ten List of the Reasons to Stay Home on Election Day that went something like this:
10. Mattress Warehouse is having a big sale.
9. Typical lousy Greater Cincinnati weather
8. Nude transvestites on the Springer Show
7. Still “Undecided”
6. Term limits won’t undo the damage
5. Waiting for the really important elections in November
4. Busy begging for money to cover your own medical expenses
3. Avoid poll workers shoving campaign literature in your face
2. Confused about all those conflicting endorsements
…and the Number One Reason to Stay Home on Election Day is…you voted early.
…and the Number One Reason to Stay Home on Election Day is…you voted early.
VENDORSEMENTS: The Whistleblower does not make political endorsements, either for candidates or issues. Unlike other publications, we present as many facts as we can find and trust that our readers are intelligent enough to come to an informed decision. And since we do not accept advertising, and have neither sponsors nor special interest groups to dictate their prejudices, we would not insult our readership by presuming that they are not bright enough to critically evaluate the candidates and issues on their own.
You can reread the classic “Vendorsements” column in the October 10 Patronage County E-dition originally published in 1982.
ANOTHER GUEST EDITORIAL BY BUNKY TADWELL: A word about voting. Stop it. Do not encourage these people. Year after year somebody has to have a voter registration drive. Look at what it hath wrought. So please, no more voter registration drives. We have too many people mucking about in the booth as it is.
Now about those candidates: They are saying more about nothing than ever before. One hapless buffoon is speaking in tongues or has elevated the art of gobbledygook to new heights. Another candidate claims he’s been working hard to earn re-election. Judging from his real accomplishments, this guy should be placed in a slower class.
Should we keep taking cheap shots at these people? Why not? Remember that the quality of our political candidates simply reflects our culture. They say and do nothing because the public wishes to hear nothing and have nothing done. It’s all crap because people are buying crap.
And if they do promise you something? They can’t give it to you unless they take it from somebody else. And if they take it from you, you can be sure you’ll be getting back less than you gave. Now for today’s poem from the Bard of Cleves:
Hot Air today, Cold Shoulder Tomorrow
What choice do we have on Election Day?
It really is a sin.
We vote to throw the rascals out.
Then throw more rascals in.
WHISTLEBLOWER ATTACK AD CONTEST: Did Mary Taylor really run this last-minute attack ad on DeWhine because he fought to get long-time Whistleblower Person of Consequence Mike Barrett on the Federal Bench so he could side with Planned Parenthood against the State of Ohio so the they could spend our over-taxed dollars killing babies?
IS “MEAN JEAN SCHMIDT REALLY RUNNING AGAIN? It certainly looked like it Sunday at The Flying Pig Marathon, when she stood in front of the WLW TV camera in Eden Park, excitedly waving and yelling “This is my 20th time to run in the Pig.” The Blower remembers when Old Wrinkle Puss” told dimwits at Channel 19 the Flying Pig Marathon was about overcoming her fear that many American have felt since the Boston Marathon bombings, because she was setting a “personal best” for getting free publicity.
MEANWHILE, was Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane really taken out to lunch today by one of the candidates on the ballot, and driven to the polling place to make sure he voted the right way?
And The Blower says regardless of the outcome of tomorrow’s really-historic elections, Hurley the Historian predicts consequences for America are still foreboding. The US National Debt was $30,423,046,917,913 at 11:53 AM this morning (you can see the actual current number here) and the struggle for the soul of our once great nation will must continue.
IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo said everybody was waiting to see if The Blower’s Guaranteed 100% Accurate Prediction for the Kentucky Gubernatorial Race would indeed be 100% Accurate, so The CamBoozler asked the Magic Eight Ball eighteen different times, and the Eight Ball finally told him, “What do I look like, a freaking Crystal Ball? Plus, we don’t vote in our 2022 Bluegrass Primary until May 17 and that’s 14 days from now.”
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop crusade for Election Integrity and against Coordinated Leftist Insurrection and the Devolution of Our American Culture while Congress, the Deep State, and the Radical Media Establishment continue to lie to advance their Coordinated Leftist Agenda.
But first, we must see a Corleone Political Reckoning on Election Integrity Along With Indictments And Perp Walks For Laws Broken During The Illegal 2020 Presidential Election, without which nothing else really matters.
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda is watching to see if any progress is made during the next one day before this year’s primary’s elections on May 03, unless they’re postponed.