Daily Archives: May 2, 2020

Special “Calling All Cronies” E-dition

SATURDAY, MAY 02, 2020


This weekend, Locked-Down, Social-Distancing Cronies in Clermont County are wondering if donors to that Pro-Householder Super PAC think they got their million dollars’ worth, especially since “Mean Jean” Schmidt was only a few votes ahead I her bid to be the 65th District’s least-worst State Rep candidate, and now everybody has to wait till the provisional ballots are stuffed.
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Maybe that’s why Political Insiders at the Conservative Agenda were all asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if he remembered the weekend after the 2012 Primary Elections, just after Ohio’s Second District Republicans finally wised up and sent “Mean Jean” Schmidt packing.”

Was The Blower gloating about the number of our predictions that had come true? You bet! As the official publication for all that scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in the tri-state, our readers had every right to expect nothing less.


Remembering all that well-deserved RINO-bashing watching the effects of Alex T., Mall Cop GOP’s “Vote for Five” jive to take control of Cincinnati City Clown-cil the previous November, we saw how effective all those gazillions of dollars the Ohio RINO Party spent to keep their stooges on the Republican State Central Committee, and how much the Ohio GOP House Caucus’ spending all that money on lying ads to protect its lackeys like $tate Rep-tile for $ale Peter $tautberg.

And no matter which candidate had won Ohio’s Presidential Primary on Super Duper Tuesday, That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt could always claim she had pictures with Republican All Stars on her campaign web page.

Republicans for Higher Taxes updated its blog one final time before the primary to pay tribute to Bungals Owner Mike Brown, who donated $1,000 to the same $tate Rep-tile for $ale Peter $tautberg.  They asked everyone to carry out Brown’s wishes by voting for his candidate $tautberg over Stadium Tax opponent “Tax Killer Tom” Brinkman.
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         image018 - Copy Hereabouts, as everybody woke up with hangovers from all that celebrating at Tuesday night’s victory parties, Wednesday will long be remembered as “The Day All Those Damn Robocalls Ended.” Is 432 any kind of a record? And how did Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan get our unlisted cell phone number anyway.

          Revered Former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen was up at the crack of dawn of Tuesday doing National TV interviews on PMSNBC’s Daily Rundown after Monday night when the usual suspects who call themselves “local pundits” told Fox News’ Bret Baier Monday night how important Ohio is, because no Republican has ever gone to the White House without first winning the Buckeye State. Stop the Presses!

          In Clermont County some folks in the mainstream media followed The Blower’s lead reporting the Battle of the Bogus Sample Ballots. In Anderson, School Nazis got caught vandalizing “Vote No” signs at Salem Hardware. There were the usual smelly old people working at the polling places on Election Day, and the reason it took so long to fill out a simple Republican ballot was you had to fill in 19 of those little rectangles with a ball point pen that was running out of ink.
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          image015 - CopyBut at The Blower, we are all waiting for final returns to come in from Hillsboro where in 2012 Mean Jean’s News Flack Barrett Brunsman failed to intimidate Rory Ryan, Publisher & Owner of the Highland County Press (“We’ll stand by Wenstrup endorsement”) and to see how accurate CFK-TV’s Political Science Theater 2012’s prediction was about the outcome of Ohio Second Congressional District Primary.image012 - Copy


Now from The Whistleblower Archives, We Located Our “Remembering Super Tuesday 2012” E-dition. It Was One Of Our Biggest Victories Ever.