Trump’s 938th Day In Office

More Fool$ in $kool$
This week, everybody who realizes the whole public edumacation scam is just pissing away over-taxed payers’ money down a rat hole, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is frequent Forrest Gump Schools critic Rod Sparer, who says voters were really stupid to pass the last Forrest Gump school tax hike, but he’s sure Anderson Voters will be even stupider when they’re asked to pass another one, especially after the Turpin Majority School Board made sure all that Anderson construction got finished last.
Rod wins a left-over backpack (made by the church ladies for all those impoverished students in the Forrest Gump School District), a peanut-free lunch in any Forrest Gump School cafeteria, and last but certainly not least, all those Turpin Majority School Board Members’ cell phone numbers so Rod can call them at three in the morning with all of his good suggestions. His winning limerick is:
When your kids finally go back to school
They’ll want to be dressed in clothes that are cool
It will cost Dad a ton
But then Dad will have fun
When the kids are gone and Mom finally touches his tool.
When your kids finally go back to school
Will they learn that homosexuality is cool?
This abomination is still a perversion
To which there is a natural aversion,
Despite the hypocrisy of many a PC fool.
When your kids finally go back to school,
The teachers won’t teach “Golden Rule.”
The ACLU says “NO GOD,”
The courts say “Spare the rod,”
And the yoofs are told Obama is “cool.”
When your kids finally go back to school
Will they be learning all about Abdul?
After all, we must understand those who hate us
And pretend they don’t want to exterminate us,
As they rule the USA from Istanbul.
When your kids finally go back to school
Some yoofs will still be shootin’ pool;
‘Cause they is misunderstood,
Being raised in de hood,
To make them learn would just be too cruel.
Tomas de Torquemada says
When your kids finally go back to school,
Gender dysphoria will be the rule.
Only pronouns acceptably PC,
Approved by the freaks of “L-G-B-T,”
Are guaranteed to make your child a ghoul!
And from the Anderson Laureate (who says, “I never got caught painting a penis on a football field when I went to school.”)
When your kids finally go back to school
Time to fill the hot tub and drain the pool.
If the heat doesn’t halt,
That’ll be Donald Trump’s fault
We certainly can’t blame our Chief Executive fool.
When your kids finally go back to school
Once again sanity can rule.
Your home is your own
No text, twitters, or cell phone
How nice to be old, and “not cool.”
And From Perturbed In Park Hills:
When kids finally go back to school,
Parents will take back their household rule.
What rules in school, though, is PC crap,
Your kids’ character designed to sap,
With teachers who hate America,
Steeped in leftist esoterica.
Don’t show up wearing a MAGA hat:
That will trigger a liberal spat.
Did you dare to use the wrong pronoun?
You’ll be attacked by shirts that are brown.
If you defend traditional marriage,
Justice will witness a big miscarriage.
When you can see through liberal smog,
You’ll know public schools are a gulag,
Brainwashing by government mandate,
Obedient snowflakes to create.
You’re better off homeschooling your kids;
Beware your values hitting the skids.
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“When Obama went to Nantucket.”
e-mail your online outlines today.
Some humorous education items in today’s Blower
were sent in by our equally humorous education subscribers.
Whistleblower Education Video For Today
Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.