Special “105 More Days Till The Election” E-dition


TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2016
Today’s Good News And Bad News
From Our Local Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave”

image003Philadelphia!  –  Spent a week there one day  – I think it was Monday. The DNC email scandal was all anyone in the press wanted to talk about and Republicans were doing their best to pour gasoline on the fire. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned and later stepped down as the convention chair too. Bernie supporters were very angry but by the end of last night had largely settled down. Fortunately for Hillary, she had many big-name speakers on the agenda and they did a good job, topped off by Bernie himself. When Bernie appeared, his supporters cheered for at least 10 minutes before he could even get started with his speech. Michelle Obama’s speech was very well received and some said it was the best speech of either convention.  Others went even further and claimed it was a “speech for the ages.” Even some Republicans said it was good, especially Melania Trump, who took copious notes. If you missed it, you can still watch it on CNN.  

Everyone had lots of fun bashing DJT. Al Franken claimed he understood Donald Trump better than anyone because he had a doctorate from Trump University in Right-Wing Megalomania. As you may recall, yesterday, we suggested that the word “megalomania” might come up. (Full disclosure – we don’t do any speechwriting)

All in all, the theme for last night was that “This is the Greatest Country in the World, and we can make it even better,” as opposed to Trump’s “Midnight in America” speech.

image005Good News for Hillary
Among the speakers for tonight will be the Big Dog himself. Nuff Said!
Good News or Bad News?

The FBI will investigate the hack into the DNC email server. They should have plenty of agents to work on this, now that 75 or 200 or 500 agents (depending on who you listened to) no longer have to work on the investigation of Hillary’s email.This could have far-reaching consequences, depending on what they find.    Did Putin and the Russians really do it to help Trump?  Maybe they will find out. Trump’s campaign manager does have ties to the Russians because he once worked for the image046pro-Russian leader in the Ukraine before he fled to Russia, and also it is pretty well known that Trump and Putin have mutual admiration society going on, so Putin might be inclined to help his friend. They had better hope that they covered their tracks well.   One thing is sure, they can’t blame this one on Hillary, although they still might try.

Another thing about the leaked emails, is that they may have been edited before being released. Obviously, if they were, it was to make them look worse than the originals. Some emails even had crude language in them, something that Trump would never, ever tolerate. Republicans were also incensed that the DNC would image031favor an actual Democrat over Bernie, who never was a Democrat. They point out that their candidate has been a Republican on several occasions in the past 50 years.

Bad News for Trump?
Much was made last week of the dress Ivanka Trump wore for her speech, which was from her own line of clothing.  It was being sold at Macy’s for $138.00. The Trumps are good at mixing business and politics – any old chance to make a buck. It turns out that the dress has been discounted twice and is now down to $79.99. How can they sell such a nice dress for less than 80 bucks? Easy –  it is made in some third world country by children making pennies on the day. In fact, Ivanka’s entire line of clothing is imported from such places. So much for keeping jobs in America, huh? Apparently, when Macy’s threw out the entire line of Trump clothing because of his statements about Mexicans, it didn’t apply to Ivanka’s clothing and Jewelry.  If you are interested in seeing or buying Ivanka’s dress, here is the link to it at Macy’s.

Also, last week, Trump made reference to the National Enquirer, claiming it had credibility.    We wondered what he would think about the credibility of this front page:image006

 More Good News And Bad News Tomorrowimage007image006 image007