Daily Archives: July 1, 2016

Special “130 More Days Till The Election” E-dition


FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016
The Good News And The Bad News
From Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus

image004Another month is in the history books and here is today’s bad news for Hillary: The Big Dog was caught with a woman again. And not just any woman, but a black woman who a lot of people have heard of.

Yes, there is a big flap today about Bill being seen talking to Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch at the airport. He said/she said that they only discussed social topics like kids, grandkids and travel but Trump supporters and Conspiracy buffs are certain that the topic of conversation just had to be the F.B.I. investigation into Hillary’s emails.

As a former prosecutor, she should have known better, and as a veteran of many a scandal, he should have known better too, but, as usual, with regards to women, he just couldn’t help himself. Of course, he really didn’t have to put the fix in because if there was going to be a fix, the president would have already taken care of it.

It really makes you wonder why Obama doesn’t just call in the Attorney General or the head of the FBI and tell them to get their investigation over with, say in the next two weeks or at least before the DemocRAT Convention. Maybe he has already done that, and Bill was just checking to see exactly when that would happen. The good news for Hillary is that Republican members of congress will probably not start a new committee to investigate the situation and therefore this will blow over in about one day. Don’t expect to hear anything more about this because, you know, the liberal media.

Still, we gotta wonder if the Big Dog hit on her. Probably not. Probably not gotta wonder, that is. Of course he did.

image005Today’s bad news for Trump: That left-wing rag, the Washington Post, has a big article today about Trump using a charity’s money to buy something for himself. Yes, it seems that the Donald used money from a charity that he controls, but hasn’t given anything to for several years, to buy himself an expensive piece of sports memorabilia. Again, this points to one of the supposed big reasons that he won’t release his income tax records, where all gifts to charities should be documented. [MORE]

image005image005Today’s good news for Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Cross-dressers, and Tranny’s: The Military has announced that anyone can serve in the military regardless of sexual persuasion or physical configuration. The old worry about “fags in the foxhole” is no longer a problem. The new problem in the foxhole is figuring out, “who is to do what, with what, and to whom?”

image005Breaking News: The military just issued the following memo:
To all drivers of military vehicles:
Use caution when taking your vehicle into or calling the motor pool for transmission service. Do not use the term, “I just blew a tranny,” as this could be misinterpreted.image003 image012