On Trump’s 1128th Day In Office, With Still None Of Obama’s Political Perps In The Slammer
Your Whistleblower Week in Review
MONDAY in our “Washington’s Birthday” E-dition (We Asked If Congress Had To Approve GW’s Troop Surge)
In Another “Cartoon Wars” E-dition (We Saw More Political Propaganda From Both Sides Of The Aisle!)
And In Our Special “Monday Message” E-dition From The Whistleblower Newsroom (We Were Looking For A Big Win Tomorrow At The Casino Caucuses!)
TUESDAY We Featured Our Special “Nevada Caucuses” E-dition (Where We Predicted Another Win For The Trumpster!)
In Our “Ornery One Liners” E-dition (We Discovered That They Were Not Politically Correct)
And In Our Special “Tuesday’s Triumphs” E-dition From The Whistleblower Newsroom (Donald Trump was predicted to rack up his third consecutive win in the 2016 GOP presidential race in Nevada)
WEDNESDAY The Blower featured our“Another Obama DIS-Appointment” E-dition (Bob McDonald Showed Us More Reasons For Cincinnati To Be Proud)
In Another “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-dition (From The Whistleblower Archives)
Edition #39 (published on February 26, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. That Week’s “Really Big Story” was all about how Slumlord Stan Solomon was ignored. The Top Ten List was the Top Ten Concessions Saddam Hussein wanted to get out of Kuwait, and Jerry Springer’s Original “Women who turned me down list.”
In Another “Cartoon Wars” E-dition (We Saw More Political Propaganda From Both Sides Of The Aisle!)
And In Our Special “Wednesday’s Wild Cards” E-dition From The Whistleblower Newsroom (We Showed You Trump’s Triumph)
THURSDAY The Blower featured our Special “Sarcasm Alert” E-dition (Because Beating The Crap Out Of Stupid People Is Just Plain illegal!)
In Our “Humor In Politics” E-dition (We Came Up With More Ways To Laugh At Politicians By Updating Some Old Chicken Jokes)
In Our Special “Havoc In Houston” E-dition (Tonight Was The Last Debate Before Super Tuesday)
And In Our Special “Thursday’s Tactics” E-dition From The Whistleblower Newsroom E-dition (We Said CNN’s Harangue in Houston will be the last chance for Donald Trump’s rivals to stop him)
FRIDAY The Blower featured Our “Real Post Debate Analysis” E-dition (And The Spin Stopped Here) So what good did all those Trump attacks do? Probably not much, if these illustrations are any indication!
In Our “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition (everybody who thought the best part about Black Lives Really, Really Matter History Month was that unlike 2015, this year it lasts 29 days. The winner is noted nerd Wigger Whiteass, who says acting Black is really cool.
In Our Just Another “Guest Column” E-dition (Our Guest Editor was none other than Buckwheat Blackwell, co-winner (along with Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane) of the coveted 2016 Ebony and Ivory Racial Healing Awards, sponsored by Sambo’s Restaurants.
And In Our Special “Friday’s Forays” E-dition From The Whistleblower Newsroom (We Told You the long-threatened effort to destroy Donald Trump is arriving in force.)
And SATURDAY The Blower featured Our “What’s Right With America” E-dition (Honoring Thomas Fitzwater Elementary Custodian Percy Herder)
In Our “Saturday Strategery” E-dition (We said Every Campaign Needs An Attack Dog).
Our “Crisis In Cartoonery” E-dition (Updating Our Primary Concerns!)
In our “Seediest Kid Of All” E-dition, “Little Greggie” Delev Was Today’s Seediest Kid of All.
In our “Patronage County Today” E-dition, The Blower said, “We learned the history of griping!”
And In Our Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition (We Showed You Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin)
If you missed any of these e-ditions, you now have a lot of catching up to do!
And to see where Beloved Whistleblower Charles Foster Kane came up with the idea for the weekly format the Whistleblower Newswire has been using for our “The Week That Was” E-dition every Sunday since the October 18, 2009 E-dition, CLICK HERE!