Special “Veterans Day Eve” E-dition



image004We should’ve been forever different after September 11, because then patriotism was suddenly back in style.

image005Hurley the Historian says in those days you saw American flags everywhere and Liberals at least pretended to promote the same American values they’d been running down for years. People were even e-mailing each other patriotic poems.

image005In 2004, John Kerry’s phony patriotism couldn’t get him elected after Swift Boat Veterans for Truth blew him out of the water.

image005image005In 2008, more than 63 million Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, And Unsuccessfully Tried To Give Obama a Third Term By Voting For Crooked Hillary, and get all of their “Fake News” from our Obama-and-Hillary Supporters in the Press, like the ones on Channel 5, 9, 12, and 19, who totally ignored John McCain’s heroic war record and voted for Obama and all those other Disgraceful DemocRATS, must not have thought a silly little thing like Patriotism was still important.

image005This year, President Donald Trump marked Veterans Day by spending time here with seven American veterans of the Vietnam War, whom he called “great, great warriors” and a “national treasure.” “You are the heroes who fulfill your duty to our nation. And each of you, under the most difficult conditions, did what you had to do, and you did it well,” Trump said in an event held on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC). Trump, who is making his first visit to Vietnam as president, said the U.S. would not rest until all 1,253 veterans still missing in action from the conflict are recovered and returned home. More than 58,000 Americans lost their lives in the war. The president signed a proclamation commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, part of a 13-year-long celebration honoring troops which began May 28, 2012 and runs through Nov. 11, 2025.

image005Also this year, no doubt Veterans will be reminded of the time That Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Tax-and-Spend RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt trashed war heroes in Congress, as today we remember “Mean Jean” and all those other shameless politicians attempting to exploit the troops on Veterans Day one more time.

image005At least in 2012 our Bitch-in-a-Ditch was replaced in Congress by a real war hero— Bird Colonel “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, who’s actually still serving his country by performing surgeries on returning injured veterans at Walter Reed Hospital, since America’s War on Terror is hardly over, while some cynics at The Blower say it has only begun.


Finally, two years ago, Purple Parking Spots reserved for veterans who’ve been wounded in combat began appearing in Ohio. The color purple, in this case, is a direct reference to The Purple Heart, a medal given to our wounded warriors.


The Wounded Warriors Family Support organization is behind these parking spaces and each one also comes with a sign, just to make the message clearer. So far, the project has not caught on nationwide, but, with it being such a great cause, one would imagine we should all be seeing more of them as time goes by.

 Veterans Day E-Cards



    image014image015VETERANS DAY HOT LINE

E-mail your patriotic prose and pictures today

When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the “Holiday For Heroes” Campaign.

Some patriotic items in today’s Blower  were sent in by our equally patriotic subscribers.image003image001