“Recent E-dition” Update (Monday, January 2)


 Monday, January 2 E-ditions

“Monday Message” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom) 12:30 AM

Resolutions Update (Is a New Year’s Resolution the same as a “Political Promise?”) 8:15 PM

“Words Have Precise Meaning” (Except When Spoken By Politicians) 4:50 PM

“Conservative Comedy” (DemocRATS Probably Won’t See The Humor!) 2:15 PM

“D-Word Update” (No Wonder All The Other Letters Are Jealous!) 1:00 PM

“Significant Birthdays” (Inside every senior citizen is a young person wondering what the hell happened!) 11:30 AM

 Sunday, January 1 E-ditions

“Weekend Wrap-up” (And It’s Almost Time to Start on Next Week’s Reports!) 11:15 PM

“Weekend Wisdom” (Our Right-Wing Review Continues) 8:50 PM

“Cartoons And Posters” (Adding To Our Ever-Expanding Collection) 5:30 PM

“Conservative Campaign Tips” (Political Insiders, Please Note!) 4:10 PM

“Sunday Talk Show Analysis” (Without Having To Watch TV) 3:20 PM

“Sunday Sermon” (Today We’re Praying to Keep Our New Year’s Resolutions!) 2:20 PM