Trump’s 1100th Day In Office

And Not Really Knowing Where Their Money Was Going
These days, Members of the Anderson Apocalypse are still trying to figure out how stupid voters were last year for increasing their Hamilton County Property Taxes by unwisely approved another Forrest Hills School District Tax Hike Scam, while Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering is now reminding everybody to make sure they have a lot of extra cash in their checking accounts next Friday to cover those humongous checks they’ll have to write to pay their Jacked-Up Hamilton County Real Estate Taxes.
April Fool’s Day is too good an idea to use just one day a year. In that spirit, February 1 (the day after property taxes must be paid) is hereby declared Property Tax Fools Day for all Forest Hills School District over-taxed payers. Three years ago on that day of humor and enjoyment we will heard jokes like these:
“We are going to move the buses off the Anderson campus.” PROPERTY TAX FOOLS! We moved the administration building off the campus instead and are going to put the buses right where that building was in full view of Beechmont Avenue plus eat up some athletic fields. Hahahahaha!
“We are going to renovate Anderson High School.” PROPERTY TAX FOOLS! Not any time soon even though we made it out to be so critical that you had to pass our Big Fat Levy – like right now! Hahahahaha!
“There is plenty of money in this levy to renovate our schools to new.” PROPERTY TAX FOOLS! We never said there was enough money for furniture! We begged for the levy so now you can go beg for donations to buy something for the kids to sit on. Glad to see you are doing just that. We just totally love our foolish, obedient sheep. Hahahahaha!
“We would never ever consider bowing to political pressure to change the name of the Anderson Redskins. PROPERTY TAX FOOLS! Hahahahaha!
“We board members represent our community’s conservative politics.” PROPERTY TAX FOOLS! We wouldn’t dare to stop elementary schools from suggesting alternative activities to watching historically significant events like inaugurations as an important opportunity to educate about how our country works. Hope we remembered to make everyone watch the big protest the next day. A raging Madonna is definitely historic as well as hearing that the new president bathes in Cheetos dust. Hahahahaha!
You can see more Fools In Schools Jokes at School Board Meetings on Anderson Community Cable.