Daily Archives: January 19, 2020

Another “Comparative Countdowns” E-dition

Trump’s 1,094th Day In Office

Today, The Blower Is Remembering What Happened On January 19, 2017, When There Was Only One More Day Until Trump Could Begin Undoing All The Damage Obama Had Done To The Country

 JANUARY 19, 2017

That date in 2009, however, was Martin Luther King Day, and The Blower ran its annual “Salute to Black Republicans.” (You can see this year’s version here.)

More in keeping with The Blower’s comparisons during Obama’s and Trump’s transitions is this item from our February 5, 2009 Another “Obama Screw-up” E-dition, where The Blower predicted you could bet your ass it wouldn’t be his last.

Bluegrass Bye-Byes
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says on January 20, 2009, outgoing President George W. Bush quietly boarded his helicopter and left for Texas, commenting only: “Today is not about me. Today is a historical day for our nation and people.” Eight years ago on January 20, 2001, outgoing President Bill Clinton scheduled two separate radio addresses to the nation, and organized a public farewell speech/ rally in downtown Washington D.C. scheduled to directly conflict with incoming President Bush’s inauguration ceremony.

On January 20, 2009, President Bush left office without issuing a single Presidential pardon, only granting a commutation of sentence to two former border patrol agents convicted of shooting a convicted drug smuggler. He did not grant any type of clemency to Scooter Libby or any other former political aide, ally, or business partner. Eight years ago on January 20, 2001 President Clinton issued 140 pardons and several commutations of sentence on his final day in office. Included in these are: billionaire financier, convicted tax evader, and leading DemocRAT campaign contributor Marc Rich; Whitewater scandal figure Susan McDougal; Congressional Post Office Scandal figure and former Democratic Congressman Dan Rostenkowski; convicted bank fraud, sexual assault and child porn perpetrator and former Democratic Congressman Melvin Reynolds; and convicted drug felon Roger Clinton, the President’s half-brother.

On January 20, 2009, the Bush daughters left gift baskets in the White House bedrooms for the Obama daughters, containing flowers, candy, stuffed animals, DVD’s and CD’s, and heartfelt notes of encouragement and advice for the young girls on how to prepare for their new lives in the White House. Eight years ago on January 20, 2001, Clinton and Gore staffers ripped computer wires and electrical outlets from the White House walls, stuffed piles of notebook papers into the White House toilets, systematically removed the letter “W” from every computer key-pad in the entire White House, and damaged several thousand dollars worth of furniture in the White House master bedroom.

Are the D-RATs a class act or what?