Today’s E-dition Has Been Approved For Research On The 2016 Election By The Presidential Historical Society Because So Many Things Reported In The 2016 Blower Are Still Making News Today During This Perilous Political Period (On E-DAY+53 Following The 2020 Election.)
And We’re Documenting 2016’s GREATEST PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN IN HISTORY At The Same Point During Trump’s 2016 Transition Period By Remembering that “2016 Whistleblower Week In Review” E-dition On E-DAY+54.
And We’re Documenting 2016’s GREATEST PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN IN HISTORY At The Same Point During Trump’s 2016 Transition Period By Remembering that “Weekend Wisdom” E-dition.

This Week’s Top Stories
OUR NUMBER ONE STORY THIS WEEK was our “Monday Message” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom) 
OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK WAS Our Our “Wednesday’s Wild Cards” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom)
AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK WAS OUR “Thursday’s Tactics” (From The Whistleblower Newsroom)

Edward Cropper’s World
You can see more of Mr. Cropper’s fine work HERE.
This Week’s Top Item On The Conservative AgendaIncoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer Warns Media: ‘Business As Usual Is Over!’…
President-elect Donald Trump is set to blow up the White House briefing room, ending the cozy relationship and practices of the past as he seizes on new ways to communicate with his nearly 45 million social media followers, according to incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer. “Business as usual is over,” he said.
The Blower believed the 2016 Presidential Election was the most important event in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal Propaganda Media. Now, after the Election, Congress, Political Pundits, and Corrupt Kneepad Liberals in the Press will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity to advance the Liberal Agenda.
Meanwhile, some other current items on The Conservative Agenda were forced to wait, including: Obama’s Leadership, The Clinton Legacy, Other Dishonest Democrats, Obama’s Secret Service, Biden’s Blunders, Obama Supporters In The Press, DemocRATS In Disarray, Polling For Trolls, Veterans, Racial Healing, Amnesty For Future DemocRATS, Baby Killing, and Making Sure Not To Hurt The Feelings Of All Those Murdering Radical Islamic Terrorists Bastards.
This Week’s Liberal Liars Award
Readers of the Washington Post received some alarming news Friday when the paper published a story alleging that those pesky “Russian hackers” were up to their no good tricks again and had managed to “penetrate the U.S. electricity grid through a utility in Vermont.”
Moreover, Disingenuous DemocRAT Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy took the rhetoric to a whole new level by asserting a diabolical Russian plot to shut down the U.S. electrical grid in the middle of winter…a move that would most certainly kill off half the state’s population in an instant.
Alas, there was just one minor problem, namely that the entire article was completely fabricated. Apparently the esteemed “journalists” of the Washington Post didn’t even bother to contact the Burlington Electric Department to confirm their bogus story…and why should they…it fit the “Russian hacking” narrative so perfectly therefore it must be true, right?
Well, apparently not. The quick spread of WaPo’s “fake news” story forced the Burlington Electric Department to issue a clarifying statement assuring worried residents that, indeed, their electricity grid had not been hacked, but rather a single “laptop not connected” to the grid had been found to have a malware virus.
Radical Islamic Terrorist Update
In Wednesday’s “Real News Analysis” E-dition, The Blower called attention to our “Radical Islamic Terrorist Updates” in every Sunday’s Weekend Wisdom E-dition since April 3. For example, this Sunday, the’s List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks, reports that during the past 30 days there were 164 Islamic attacks in 25 countries, in which 1,259 people were killed and 1,592 injured.
Now Let’s Look At The Radical Islamic Attacks For Just Last Week
Is Obama really still trying to tell people how much safer the world has become during the last eight years? The mind boggles.
Whistleblower War on Political Correctness
The Washington Examiner says there are many explanations for the 2016 election. But at the heart of the matter remains the question: How did Trump, for all his manifest faults, become the champion of the working class voter, the little guy, the men and women who feel their opinions are scorned and their voices unheeded? As Trump repeatedly did and said things that would have ended anyone else’s political career, he won rather than lost admiration. Why? Because by example, not just by precept, he rejected, day in and day out, every convention and custom demanded by an overbearing, supercilious and detested cultural elite. He became the champion of the common man because he made himself the enemy of their enemy. (MORE)
Because in America, Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry, according to all those those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Propaganda Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, And Unsuccessfully Tried To Give Obama a Third Term By Voting For Crooked Hillary, and get all of their information from our Obama-and-Hillary Supporters in the Press, like our Feckless Fishwrappers and the ones on Channel 5, 9, 12, and 19.
Now Here’s Today’s Politically Incorrect Joke: WLW Hate Radio Trash Talking Racist-in-Residence Bill Cunningham sent us this one: Q: Why did President Obama get two terms? A: Because every black man gets a longer sentence.
Black Lives Matter Defends Starbucks Employee Who Spat In Officer’s Coffee
Law Officer says a local Black Lives Matter chapter in Stockton, California, has claimed responsibility for a disgusting prank pulled on a police officer. Originally deemed by both Starbucks and local police as a hoax story, the incident began when a photo was posted to an anti-cop Facebook page called “Stockton Police Department, Corruption Reporting Page.” The picture showed one of the department’s officers posing with his family along with the caption, “We are happy to report that today this officer from the Stockton Police Department got to have coffee at Starbucks…served with a side of spit. They even gave it to him with a smile and a nice comment.” (MORE)
(Sometimes Referred To As The DemocRAT Propaganda Media Complex)
Here Are the Most Outrageously Liberal Quotes in Scripted Primetime Television: Part I
The Feck Stops Here
Metro Mole says this week when the Totally Discredited Fishwrap was actually forced to report that Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor was hiding the facts about paying all that over-taxpayers’ money to fired ex-Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell so nobody would call him a racist, most of his fellow Fishwrappers wondered how they would be spinning the story so Donald Trump and the evil Republicans would be found at fault.
Meanwhile, our Feckless Fishwrappers are continuiung to promote all their other favorite Liberal Causes, as well as supporting Sanctuary Cities, Ragamuffins and Refugees, “Millennials, Public Breast-feeders, Trans-Racists Who Want To Call Themselves Black, Transsexuals Just Looking for a Place to Pee, Over-Sexed Swingers in the Suburbs, Perverted Physicians, and Corpsefuckers at the Morgue, along with PC (If It’s Politically Correct, You Can’t Object), Tree Hugging, Keeping People From Smoking, Diversity Uber Alles, Unions Blues, Fanatical Feminists, Supporting Sodomy Rites, Global Warming: G-Uncontrol, Liberal Brainwashing In Schools, Voting Rights For People Who Are Too Stupid To Vote, Streetcars, Scalping the Washington Redskins, and Giving Away Free Stuff With Your Money.
But why should any of this surprise you? After all, don’t our Feckless Fishwrappers always say: It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made our area great, it’s our “Disgraceful Diversity.”