Trump’s 1,085th Day In Office

Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest
One More 2019 Year-End Review
This week, everybody who thought all those year-end-review columns were just a big waste of time, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is Larry Listmaker, who says the biggest problem with The Blower is that it can make the truth sound like a lie and something they just made up sound like the truth, and you’re never quite sure which is which. Larry wins a “We Don’t Need No Stinking Facts Checked” T-shirt, tickets to the Proofreaders Hall of Fame, and a date with the news bimbo of his choice to the Copy Editors Ball. His winning limerick is:
The biggest story we found last year
Will have you crying in your beer
‘Cause between you and me
What you got from DC
Was just another big kick in the rear.
Perturbed in Park Hills Says:
The biggest story we found last year:
the House lost to the party of fear.
The RINOs, outwitted at every turn,
Because President Trump they always spurn,
Are reduced to bringing up the rear.
And from the Anderson Laureate we have another Partisan Poem:
The biggest story we found last year
When D-RATS Obstruction went into high gear
And with their screw-ups and scandals
Which the press always mishandles
We were hoping an indictment was near.
Perturbed In Park Hills Says
The biggest story we found last year
Was not St. Greta’s climate change fear.
Not Pelosi’s fake impeachment scam,
Nor the Bearcats’ win in Birmingham.
Wasn’t the Bengals’ two-and-fourteen
And the disappearing AJ Green.
Might have been Marty B’s fond farewell;
How big that was, only time will tell.
Two million hit the streets of Hong Kong
Against the ghost of Mao Zedong.
Conservatives censored by Facebook –
Also by Google, that high-tech crook.
That’s getting closer to big stories,
But let’s skip all these categories.
The biggest story, I’m here to say:
Our President loves the USA!
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“So what should Conservatives do now?”