Daily Archives: May 17, 2017

Special “Tuesday’s Triumphs” E-dition

TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017
Tonight’s Top News Story You Won’t See On The Front Page Of The Fishwrap 

Tonight’s White House “News Lie” (Formerly “Fake News”)
(More Outrageous Accusations And Unreliable Sources)

The New York Times launched another Destroy Trump Media sneak attack tonight, claiming President Trump asked then FBI director James Comey to close down his investigation into General Michael Flynn, according to Comey’s so-called internal memo that nobody at the Times actually saw, but somebody supposedly read parts of the memo to a Times reporter. Not surprisingly, the White House is denying the allegation, while Disingenuous DemocRATS are calling for a Special Prosecutor and Congressional Hearings to begin Trump’s Impeachment.

Here’s Tonight’s Whistleblower’s Strategery
If Trump could appoint Comey’s Replacement “temporarily” tomorrow and send “Crying Chuck” Schumer a Tweet telling the Senate Minority Leader to stick his obstruction up his ass, Comey’s Replacement could start rounding up the Leakers immediately and file Crooked Hillary’s indictment before the end of the week. That would really give everybody in the Lying-Gotcha-Propaganda Media something good to write about on Wednesday.  


Interested In Protection From Cyber Risk?

We have an article published on an American Bar Association website with cooperation from the FBI.  (The ABA pushed out the article to all its members.) You Can Find The PDF  HERE.  IRS Criminals Say Their Lives Are in Danger if They Testify About TEA Party Bias 

The Free Beacon reports current and former IRS officials are asking not to publicly testify about the agency’s bias against TEA Party and other conservative organizations, claiming they are in danger if they do so.

IRS Criminals Lois Lerner and Holly Paz both argued in recent filings under seal in the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati that the death threats and other harassment they have faced take precedence over the public’s right to hear their testimony on the case of IRS bias against conservative groups. (MORE) 

Wouldn’t it be funny if the U.S. District Court Judge in Cincinnati who has kept some court filings secret while scheduling a “closed Hearing” on Friday was formerly the Party Boss at the Hamilton County RINO Party where he usually had things well in hand? No wonder The Fishwrap is suing him. (MORE)

The Blower says if His Honor really wants to keep those Lying Obama-Loving Bitches Safe, maybe he should put them in jail where they belong.

“Who Are the Sources??” Tucker Evaluates Media Response to Trump-Russia Leaks

MSNBC Goes Full Libtard with Russia Obsession in New Promo

Tonight’s Ben Garrison Moment

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Second 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Monday Is Day Number 117. There Are Now Only 1,266 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.