Tag Archives: Female Trump Voters

Another “Friday’s Features” E-dition

— Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda —  

Tonight’s Top Conservative News Stories You Won’t See On The Front Page Of Tomorrow’s Fishwrap
(Or On Channels 5, 9, 12, And 19, Either)


Tucker Carlson Tonight: Steve Bannon Removed 

Female Trump Voters Defend President’s Charlottesville Response

Charles Barkley Is The Voice of Reason In The Aftermath of Charlottesville

Omarosa: People Think I Should Align With Dems

Sheriff Clarke ‘Proud’ Of Trump’s Charlottesville Response

Al Sharpton: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Should Be Taken Down!

Dem Senator Who Urged Trump Assassination

Robert E. Lee Torn Down, Replaced With Pregnant African American Woman

Although the bizarre obsession of wanting to take down any kind of Confederate symbol, statue or monument is not exactly new, it escalated to a whole new level after what happened in Charlottesville last Saturday. (MORE FROM THE BLAZE)

ACLU Blames Mcauliffe And Police For Charlottesville

WND says in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one dead and at least 38 injured, many members of the national media were quick to blame the “Unite the Right” rally attendees for the outbreak of street warfare between “alt-right” and “alt-left” protesters. But according to the ACLU and reporters covering the rally, the violence escalated due to what many believe was an intentional lack of police oversight, with the blame aimed squarely at DemocRAT Gov. Terry McAuliffe. “The police actually allowed us to square off against each other,” one counter-protester told CNN. “There were fights, and the police were standing a block away the entire time. It’s almost as if they wanted us to fight each other.” (MORE)

See More on who was really at fault in Charlottesville at American Greatness HERE


Trump Rally In Phoenix on Tuesday, August 22

Phoenix Convention Center
100 N. 3rd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004

Doors Open at 4PM EST, The Event Will Begin At 7 PM MST

To Get Your Free Tickets To The Event,


Disingenuous DemocRAT Phoenix Mayor Criticizes Trump’s Plan to Hold Rally in His City


Love and Hate: Instructional Video

Tonight’s Big Story From The Babylon Bee

‘Everything Is Fine,’ Reports Trump From Flaming Ruins Of White House

WASHINGTON, D.C.—As staffers and cabinet members fled the White House while spontaneous fires broke out all over the crumbling building Monday, President Donald Trump reportedly reclined at the Oval Office desk and took to Twitter to confirm that “everything is fine.”

“This is fine. Everything is fine here. MSM pretending my administration is imploding. Wrong!” he posted to his Twitter account shortly after the firing of communications director Anthony Scaramucci after only ten days on the job. (MORE)
Now Here’s Tonight’s Fake News Fun From The Onion

 Nation Begs Disaffected Youth Gravitating Toward Neo-Nazism To Get High And Play Xbox Instead 

WASHINGTON—Beseeching them to pursue a less destructive path with their lives, the nation begged disaffected youth gravitating towards neo-Nazism to get high and play Xbox instead, sources reported Friday. “We don’t really care if you get blazed and play video games, sit home and jerk off, or shoplift a bunch of shit at a convenience store as long as you don’t march down the street waving swastikas,” said Holyoke, CO, resident Gregory Stamp, echoing the sentiments of the entire American populace in urging restless and angry young people who find themselves tempted by fascist ideology to try stuffing their faces with as many Cheetos as they want or playing the drums as hard as they can at literally any hour of the day. “Go ahead and sleep until four in the afternoon, then do whippets until you pass out. You want beer and cigarettes? We’re buying. Please just stay away from the white supremacy shit and definitely do not shoot anybody.” At press time, the nation was reminding sullen adolescents who were starting to read about white genocide on neo-Nazi websites that they could just as easily use that time to view disturbing hardcore pornography. (MORE FROM THE ONION) 


 The Hungry Bear

The stock market bear is hungry. His fangs are out, but the stock market has a fang, too. FANG consists of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Goog—all of which have made fantastic gains during the current bull run. These stocks are bloated pigs, but the bear continues to be thwarted. (MORE)

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Third 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Monday Is Day Number 212. There Are Now Only 1,172 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.