Tonight’s Top Conservative News Stories You
Won’t See On The Front Page Of Tomorrow’s Fishwrap
(Or On TV Channels 5, 9, 12, 19, And Spectrum Either)
President Trump Promises More Giant Rallies Are On The Horizon
More Leftist Lies
Right Wing Violence Sanctioned by Republican Party?
PoliticusUSA claims Republicans won’t push back on violence-inciting rhetoric because they don’t want to pay the political price of losing support. At what point are they culpable?
With the proliferation of right-wing political violence most recently best evinced by Solomon Peña’s alleged drive-by shooting into the homes of Democrats in New Mexico, it’s time to ask if the Republican Party itself is even implicitly sanctioning this violence.
Donald Trump incited and continues to incite violence with his rhetoric, yet he is still the leader of the Republican Party. Indeed, Trump has stamped the entire party in his image even as this association in terms of its most notable feature being election denialism cost Republicans “bigly” in the 2022 midterms.
Peña lost his 2022 run for New Mexico House District 14. “Police have described the shootings as politically motivated attacks by a man who refused to accept the results of his election,” the Santa Fe New Mexican reported.
If Democrats who lost their elections were shooting into the homes of Republicans, the righteous howls of indignation and persecution would be both relentless and deafening. Rightly so.
Republicans For A Greater Cincinnati Has A Questionnaire For “Taxkiller Tom” Brinkman and Russell Mock, The Two Candidates Running For Chairman Of Hamilton County Republican Party
(Candidates’ replies to this questionnaire will be distributed to Precinct Executives and other interested Republicans)
I. What percentage of your day will be devoted to being the Chair of the Party?
II. Will you hold other employment while you are County Chair? If so, please explain.
III. Will you hire a “ Chief of Staff”, in addition to Debbie Flammer, to run routine daily operations?
IV. Will you pledge to go to each Republican Club meeting twice a year to give a report of your progress to them, and to receive from the Club a report on what progress they have made to grow the party?
V. Do you pledge to resign in 2 years if the number of registered Republicans in Hamilton County decreases?
VI. How will you fight back against the misinformation the Democrat Party and the media put out against the Republican Party?
VII. Will you pledge to stop recruiting Precinct Executives for the sole purpose of supporting the Chair?
VIII. How will you increase the number of active Precinct Executives and make sure the Precinct Executives know what they need to do to fulfill that position?
IX. Will you assist in creating materials for Precinct Executives?
X. Will you send lists of Republican voters in their precinct as a source for them to contact to help man the polls on election day?
XI. Can meetings of Precinct Executives be held a bit later than 5:30 so more regular workers can attend without taking time off from work?
XII. There are very few donners to the Hamilton County Republican Party as compared to the Democrat party. What is your fundraising strategy?
XIII. Will you increase the number of people signing up for automatic monthly donations?
XIV. Will you insist that Republican candidates participate in “Cooperative Campaigning” to promote the Republican slate?
XV. Will you call for abolishing Drop Boxes?
XVI. Do you believe all primary and general election paper ballots should be retained to be able to verify electronic totals?
XVII. As a member of the Hamilton County Board of Elections what method of auditing will you call for to make secure our vote is secure and accurately counted?
XVIII. Will county party meeting voting be conducted by secret paper ballot, instead of a standing vote, if three or more members request a secret ballot be held?
XIX. Will you engage with black conservatives in the urban core?
XX. Will you recruit minority candidates?
XXI. Will you make every effort to run Republican candidates in every election, so Democrat candidates are not given a free ride with no opponent?
XXII. Will you help minority candidates with fundraising?
XXIII. Will you be a real leader and not just a placeholder?
The Whistleblower Newswire Is The Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop crusade for Election Integrity and against Coordinated Leftist Insurrection and the Devolution of Our American Culture while Congress, the Deep State, and the Radical Media Establishment continue to lie to advance their Coordinated Leftist Agenda.
But first, we must see a Whistleblower/ Corleone Political Reckoning on Election Integrity Along With Indictments And Perp Walks For Laws Broken During The Illegal 2020 Presidential Election and the 2022 Mid-Term Elections, without which nothing else really matters.
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda is watching to see if any progress is made during the next 653 (at press time) days before the 2024 elections.