AND THE SUBJECT OF TODAY’S SERMON IS “SEMANTICS”at the church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was reminding his Political Parishioners to Continue to Pray For Perplexed Patriots, who tired of seeing Dishonest D-RATS and members of the Radical Leftist Media bastardize the word “Democracy” every chance they get.
For example, when Trump-Hating January 6 Committee RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said that over the next few years he is going to be helping “Democratic candidates beat anti-democracy Republicans,” what in the hell is that supposed to mean? We’re not sure Losing Liz Cheney’s fellow outcast Republican even knows what he was actually saying.
It reminds us of that time Slick Willie told the Grand Jury “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” Just more bullshit from a bullshitting politician.
Not understanding what everybody meant when they promised “Free and Fair Elections” failed to protect our political freedom from threats arrayed against it in 2020, which ranged from old-fashioned Dishonest D-RAT Fraud on Election Day to Media Manipulation and Regulatory Obstacles during the campaign period.
Revered Former Southwest Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen says, “There’s no doubt ‘Election Integrity’ is the Conservative Agenda’s Number One Issue for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections in only 72 More Days.”
And Don’t Forget: Dishonest D-RATS don’t only cheat at National Elections. That’s how they’ve gotten so damn good at it? That’s why The Blower says, “Until People Go To Jail For Election Fraud, The Cheating Will Continue.”
God Save The United States Of America