AND WE WERE WAITING TO SEE GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS IN RALLYING IN SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP-BACKED CANDIDATES KARI LAKE, AND BLAKE MASTERSThis Sunday in America…at the church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was reminding his Political Parishioners to Pray for Patriotic Partygoers, especially after attending last night’s celebration for local author Jim Serger’s Sixth Book, which is about “The Time 9:11 On The Day 9/11.” That book releases tomorrow August 15, 2022.
“9/11 A Time To Always Remember” recounts recollections of more than 90 Americans, from all walks of life across this great country sharing what happened to them on the Date “9/11” whenever they see the Time “9:11.”
Memories of September 11, 2001, are embedded in Patriotic Americans’ memory banks because the moment they see the Time “9:11” on their watch, a clock, a screensaver, or a scoreboard— that fateful day is recalled and they create a personal timeline of events about what transpired for them on that day in September.
Several Anderson residents of Kane’s acquaintance in the audience were featured in “9/11 A Time To Always Remember” including long-time Whistleblower-Newswire Persons of Consequence Jeanie Peter, Shane Klein, and Stephanie Salas.
“A portion of all book sales will go to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation,” Jim Serger said. [email protected]