Daily Archives: August 1, 2022

Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition (Praying For Trumpster GOP Candidates)

SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2022
This Sunday in America…… … at the church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was reminding his Political Parishioners to Continue to Pray For Perplexed Patriots, who understand there is more to “democracy” than free and fair elections, but there can be no “democracy” without them.

Constant vigilance failed to protect our political freedom from threats arrayed against it in 2020, which ranged from old-fashioned Dishonest D-RAT Fraud on Election Day to Media Manipulation and Regulatory Obstacles during the campaign period. 

Revered Former Southwest Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen says, “There’s no doubt ‘Election Integrity’ is the Conservative Agenda’s Number One Issue for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections in only 100 More Days.”

On Tuesday’s 2022 Primary Elections Part Deux in only two more days races for State Representative and State Senator, along with primaries for State Central Committee Members, whatever the hell that is, we may finally see how important Election Integrity is at the local level.
For example, in the GOP race to succeed State Representative “Taxkiller Tom” Brinkman in Ohio’s 27th District, The Fishwrap did a hit piece asking all three candidates how they felt about Trump’s “discredited claims the 2020 election was stolen,” only Jenn Giroux looked like a real Trumpster. Lindsay Cole and Joe Murray could only come up with Weasel Words.

And will our Dishonest D-RATS be cheating in Tuesday’s primary election where their candidates will be running against members of their own political party? Why not? They can always use the practice.

That’s why The Blower continues to publish daily “ELECTIONS INTEGRITY UPDATES” to help our Persons of Consequence keep track of it all.
Some folks said the Joke Biden* Administration would totally ruin America. The Blower doesn’t believe it will take very much longer.

Look at all they’ve destroyed during the first 557 days.

God Save The United States Of America