Monthly Archives: February 2016

Special “Early Voting Update” E-dition



You Might Wish You Had It Back

image004This afternoon at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the latest e-mail from the Ohio Christian Alliance (Advocating for Life, Faith, and Freedom in the Public Square) telling their folks not “to throw their vote away” by voting early.

image006“It’s an interesting idea,” Kane explained, “because candidates and political parties are always badgering people to vote early, and the Board of Elections even has a tracking system to report how many people have already voted.”

image005The guys at the Ohio Christian Alliance say early voting has begun, and yet the vetting process for the candidates heading into the March 15 Ohio Primary is still going on. With each primary or caucus, more Presidential candidates are dropping out. If you are planning on voting early, you might want to hold on to your absentee ballot until the field narrows so that you can cast the vote for the candidate of your choice that will have the greatest impact in the Presidential Primary Election.

There are two more rounds of primaries before Ohio’s Primary in 16 more days. Who knows who will be left in the race at that time? SO DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR VOTE by voting too early. Ohio has 66 delegates at stake. It is a winner-take-all state. If you just recently updated your voter registration or have other questions, contact your local board of elections by clicking on this link.

image006If you have requested an absentee ballot, you can hand-deliver your ballot to the board of elections in your county up until Election night polls close at 7:30 p.m. If you are mailing your ballot, it must be postmarked no later than Monday, March 14, to be counted.

image033Don’t forget what our Conservative Curmudgeons always say: “The Blower doesn’t always have to be so damn helpful. We shouldn’t be making it easier for everybody to vote, because there are already too many stupid people voting the way it is.”image008image009