Your Whistleblower Week in Review
MONDAY (FEBRUARY 15), in our “Scalia-Presidents’ Day-Valentine’s Day Cartoons” E-dition (We Were Celebrating Another Federal Holiday By Working)

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died. I wrapped him in the Constitution because he said he loved it. He called himself an Originalist and criticized people who believed in a “living Constitution. Scalia once said, “The Constitution is not a living organism; it is a legal document. It says something and doesn’t say other things.”
In Another “Invented National Holiday” E-dition (We Were Surprised They’re Not Calling it “Obama’s Day!”)
In our Special “Obama’s Last Presidents’ Day” E-dition (We Explained But We Still Have 340 More Days Until We Can Begin To Undo The Damage!)
In Our Special “Sorry I Forgot Valentine’s Day” E-dition (We Told You That You Weren’t the Only One Who Forgot)
And In Our Special “Anderson Answers” E-dition (Where We Said “But First Shouldn’t We Know What The Questions Are About A Few Of The Important Issues To Be Decided?”)
TUESDAY (FEBRUARY 16), We Featured Our Another “Political Postery” E-dition (Adding Yet Another Dimension To Our Conservative Hillary and Obama Bashing!)
Our “Conservative Voter Advisory” E-dition (Advising Today’s The Last Day To Register To Vote In Ohio)
Our Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin)
Our Special “DemocRAT Duplicity” E-dition (Let Us Count The Ways)
And Our Official “Post President’s Day Depression” E-dition (Thanks to the “Monday Holidays Act”)
WEDNESDAY (FEBRUARY 17), The Blower featured our “Scalia Cartoons” E-dition (Political Propaganda From Both Sides Of The Aisle!)
Our “Conservative Curmudgeons Complained” E-dition (You Know, Maybe They Were Right!)
Another “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-dition (From The Whistleblower Archives)
Edition #38 (published on February 19, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. That Week’s “Really Big Story” was all about how “Pentagon briefings had been aided by our Official Whistleblower Crisis in the Gulf Scorecard.” The Top Ten List was the Top Ten Questions a reporter could repeatedly ask at military press briefings, and Jerry Springer’s Original “Women I’d Like To Boink List.”
Our “Kasich’s Kamikaze Kampaign” E-dition (Trying Harder, Or Else)
And Our “Lenten Special” Edition (During The Age of Obama, Most Americans Have Already Given Up Hope!)
THURSDAY (FEBRUARY 18), The Blower featured our Special “Cartoon Wars” E-dition (Featuring Political Propaganda From Both Sides Of The Aisle!)
Our Special “Political Infomercials” E-dition (Trying To Make Politics Entertaining And Make A Lot of Money At The Same Time)
Our Special “Fantasy Politics” E-dition (338 Days From Today, Showing You The Donald’s First Day In Office)
Our More “Political Punch Lines” E-dition (Hoping To Hear A Lot More Of Them Tonight Conservatives watching Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and John Kasich in part 2 of CNN’s GOP Town Hall in South Carolina live at 8 p.m. ET.)
And Our Special “Counter-Punching Conservatives” E-dition (Today Trump Wins A Holy War)
FRIDAY (FEBRUARY 19) The Blower featured Another “Pictorial Protests” E-dition (Because Everybody Thought CNN’s Totally Gay Anderson Cooper’s “Conversations Instead of Controversy” with Kasich and Bush Were Really Boring.)
Official “Scalia Scorecard” E-dition (Where We Were Trying To Keep Up With All That Hypocrisy)
“Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition (Presidents’ Day Poetry)
Just Another “Guest Column” E-dition (Which Is Really The Same Old BS!)
And our Official “Scalia Scorecard Update” E-dition (We Told You To Stay Tuned)
And SATURDAY (FEBRUARY 20) The Blower featured our Special “Early Exit Polls” E-dition (Predicting Tonight’s Winner)
Our “What’s Right With America” E-dition (Honoring Real American Heroes!)
Our “Crisis In Cartoonery” E-dition (Updating Our Primary Concerns!)
In our “Seediest Kid Of All” E-dition, Young Buckwheat Blackwell Was Today’s Seediest Kid of All. ”
In our “Patronage County Today” E-dition, The Blower said, “It’s Our Presidents’ Day Birthday Special!”
And In Our More “Trump’s Triumphs” In South Carolina And Beyond E-dition (It Was Just As The Blower Predicted)
If you missed any of these e-ditions, you now have a lot of catching up to do!
And to see where Beloved Whistleblower Charles Foster Kane came up with the idea for the weekly format the Whistleblower Newswire has been using for our “The Week That Was” E-dition every Sunday since the October 18, 2009 E-dition, CLICK HERE!