Special “We’re Not Islamophobic” E-dition



And Maybe We Just Don’t Want Our Kids To Get Blown Up!

image020POLITICAL INSIDERS AT THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA have been gloating for days watching Obama’ critics and even a few Obama Supporters in the Press question Obama’s sanity because he wants to flood America with Murdering Muslim Terrorists Disguised As Syrian Refugees. image006

 image020 IN COLUMBUS, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says “We told you so,” after Cleveland 19 TV News reported five “Foreign Nationals with Murdering Muslim Names” were arrested on the Ohio Turnpike in possession of credit card duplication tech. Manders wonders what else they were up to? [READ MORE HERE]

image020 BELOVED WHISTLEBLOWER PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE wonders what the hell is wrong with this country when people with obvious red flags for criminal activity — or more — are just admitted entry. And people wonder why all those governors are skeptical about the Obama administration’s so-called assurances that they’re carefully checking out the supposed refugees from Syria, an ungoverned war zone with zero capacity to provide Intel on its people.  image003image025