Special “Wednesday’s Wild Cards” E-dition

Tonight’s Top News Stories You Sure In Hell Won’t See On The Front Page Of The Fishwrap

Tonight’s Really Big Story
President Trump Wishes James Comey “Luck” At Tomorrow’s Hearing

Tweet Of The Day: GOP Sen. Richard Burr Owns The Media…

Other Stories That Are Pretty Big, Too
Comey Releases His Opening Statement | Tucker Previews the Hearing

How Does Comey’s Testimony Stack Up Against The Leaks?

Sekulow: Comey statement a complete vindication of Trump

The Truth About the Comey Hearing

CNN Slams Clapper For Saying Watergate “Pales In Comparison” To Trump-Russia…

CNN Admits Fake News About Comey Testimony – Issues Retraction

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke On Trump’s Push To Overhaul Infrastructure During Today’s Rivertowne Marina Speech

This Just In From Gunslinger 338
Did Any Of Those Trump Supporters In The Audience During Today’s Speech At Rivertowne Marina Even Wonder How The Secret Service Was Able To Ensure The President’s Safety From Possible Snipers On The Kentucky Hillside?

Now Here’s Tonight’s Fake News Fun From The Onion

Indiana Becomes Fourth State To Ban Great Sex
INDIANAPOLIS—Following the lead of Missouri, Oklahoma, and Georgia, the Indiana legislature Tuesday passed “HB 1679: Prohibiting Sexual Intercourse Of An Excessively Pleasurable Nature,” officially becoming the fourth state in the country to outlaw great sex. “Here in Indiana, we have long believed that sexual activity should be brief, unexceptional, and performed in the most perfunctory of ways, and the landmark legislation we sent to the governor today embodies the traditional values that are so deeply ingrained in this state,” said State Senator Mark Messmer in a morning news conference, explaining that any sexual relations in which the participants are mutually satisfied emotionally or physically would result in fines of up to $1,000, depending on how incredible the sex was. “By restricting sexual activity to seven minutes or less and banning all sexual positions within the state aside from the missionary position, this bold new law stands up for the passable, fairly mechanical sex that my fellow Hoosiers and I have long disinterestedly engaged in—and that we will continue to disinterestedly engage in, provided we do so no more than twice per calendar month, as per the legally mandated limit.” Messmer went on to say that he didn’t anticipate any negative effects from the ban as nearly every Indiana resident was already in compliance with the new law 

Tonight’s Ben Garrison Moment

​”Death By Political Correctness”
Western Civilization in Europe seems bent on self destruction. The media there have brainwashed citizens for decades. They’ve filled minds with a constant drumbeat of political correctness and the need for more globalist collectivism. Too many Europeans have become passive sheep who are taught to ‘run, hide and tell.’  If they do speak out and complain, they get called names such as ‘racist!’ or ‘Islamophobe!’ Jobs could be lost or heavy fines meted out for so called ‘hate speech.’

Great Britain has at least shown some sign of a backbone. They resisted taxation without representation when they voted for Brexit, but too many of their leaders remain bent on globalism. The latest terror attack in London was good excuse for Theresa May to call for control over the Internet and the end of privacy and free speech. She doesn’t want a good crisis to go to waste. ..…….Read More at the Cartoon Blog 

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Second 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Wednesday Is Day Number 140. There Are Now Only 1,243 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.