Daily Archives: September 28, 2016

Special “Only 41 More Days Till The Election” E-dition


Today’s Good News And Bad News
From Our Local Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave”

image006By now, most of the spin is done and all the pundits, writers and talking heads have weighed in on the debate. The overwhelming consensus, Fox News not withstanding, is that Trump had his ass handed to him while Hillary pretty much took command. Even many Republicans agreed. The stock markets also seemed to agree and they went up, as did Asian Markets, because they think that Hillary is a more stabilizing influence in the world’s economies. Even the Mexican Peso went up, possibly because they think they won’t have to pay for a wall. Trump interrupted Hillary over 50 times and she still kept her cool. Also, instead of calling him a liar at times, she told fact-checkers to get busy. They did and after fact-checking both candidates, they announced that there was plenty of lying but Trump actually won that part – they ascribed 80 percent of all the lies told during the debate to image007Trump. Trump later complained about the questions, complained about the moderator, and even complained that his microphone was defective (there was no problem – he checked it beforehand). One wag said that he did have a problem with his mic – it kept on lying. Later when asked about it Hillary said, “Anybody who complains about the microphone ,” Clinton said with a smile, “is not having a good night.” For his part, The Donald vowed to “hit harder” next time. So maybe we will see some really great fireworks on Oct. 9 th, or you can watch Sunday Night Football, Giants vs. Green Bay. The debates were all rigged you know, just to hurt Packer fans.

Rudy Giuliani, the guy that has been called “America’s Mayor” was not a happy camper after the debate. Donald Trump should skip the next two debates unless he gets special guarantees from the moderators, former New York mayor and top Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani told reporters after the debate. Lester Holt, the NBC News anchor who moderated the debate, should be “ashamed of himself,” Giuliani said. He said Holt was wrong to attempt to fact-check Trump on the constitutionality of stop-and-frisk and his claimed opposition to the Iraq War. “If I were Donald Trump I wouldn’t participate in another debate unless I was promised that the journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect, ignorant fact checker,” Giuliani said. “The moderator would have to promise that there would be a moderator and not a fact image009checker and in two particular cases an enormously ignorant, completely misinformed fact checker.” Having a middle of the road Republican like Lester Holt is apparently not good enough for Rudy. He wants a moderator who comes with “special guarantees.” Someone who is a Trump cheerleader to feed him softballs while grilling Hillary. Someone like Sean Hannity. We can take a wild guess that Rudy is not going to like Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper much better in the next debate. Don’t worry Rudy, in the thitd debate it will be Hillary’s turn to cry when Chris Wallace of Fox News does exactly what you want.

For the first time in its history, 126 years, the Republican oriented Arizona Republic has endorsed a Democrat for president. Could Hillary therefore take Arizona? Probably not, but this might make a few Republicans in other states feel better about opposing Trump. It’s almost like the ghost of Barry Goldwater telling him he has to go. image010

Testimony in the trial of two of Gov. Chris Christie’s aides shows that he knew all about the bridge lane closures that they were indicted for, but did nothing about it. Interfering with interstate commerce is a federal crime and the fat Governor could be in some serious trouble. The so-called “bridgegate” scandal pretty much destroyed his campaign for president, and now it may be even worse for him. Christie is now working as an aide to Trump, his one-time rival for the nomination. He had better hope The Donald wins so he can ask for a pardon.

image011Yeah, he said that in Monday’s debate. And then followed that with, “and it would be squandered too – believe me.“ It makes everyone wonder if Hillary is right – he pays no taxes at all. Does he think that is going to get him some votes from all the over-taxed payers? How does he plan to run the government if everyone gets as “smart” as he is. Add this to his tax cuts for the wealthy plan and the government is going to be short of funds for just about everything – military, veterans, infrastructure, disaster relief, education, disease prevention and control, and thousands of other things that government does on a daily basis.

One habit Trump has is never letting go of anything that damages him. (What was that saying about “when you’re in a hole, stop… ?”) He proved that again yesterday on Fox and Friends, when he talked about Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe winner who Donald Trump once called “Miss Piggy.” “She was “the worst we ever had,” the Manhattan billionaire said Tuesday morning, because “she gained a massive amount of weight.” Hillary called attention to Machado’s case towards the end of Monday night’s presidential debate, recalling that Trump had not only called her “Miss Piggy” but also “Miss Housekeeping,” a reference to her Hispanic heritage. Addressing Trump’s name-calling directly, Clinton said “Donald, she has a name. Her name is Alicia Machado. And she has become a U.S. citizen and you can bet she is going to vote this November.”

Don’t believe it – Ohio will probably be closer than three points.


— More Good News And Bad News Tomorrow —image005 image003image001