For Tonight’s Race In South Carolina
COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA: Noted South Carolina Political Reporter Gamecock Tadwell says over the years and after painstaking methodical research, The Whistleblower Newswire has found the Hamlet in the Palmetto State that best represents the voters.
Over the last several elections this outcome in South Carolina has virtually mirrored the state and national vote outcomes and The Blower can now confidently predict Donald Trump will be the
winner of all fifty delegates in this winner-take-all state, barring of course extensive voter fraud by the Cruz Campaign or an influx of recently naturalized Rubio Voters.
The only polling location in Possum Bottom, South Carolina (pop. 5) opened this morning at 7 AM and closed after the last vote was cast at 7:12 AM.
All votes were tabulated and certified by 7:13 AM.
Based on our exclusive exit polls where all five voters in Possum Bottom were given “Trump That Bitch” bumper stickers, Donald Trump has been projected as the landslide winner, with 4 votes, along with one write in vote for sentimental favorite Strom Thurmond, who would have never surrendered the Flag of the South to them damn Yankee carpetbaggers from up north.