With Lots More Pictures To Look At This Morning
Not every Conservative in America was bored out of his skull trying to watch CNN’S Dumbed-Down So-Called Town Hall program Thursday night just two days before the polls closed at Saturday’s Republican Primary where Donald Trump will win all 50 delegates. Some were even showing their disrespect for John Kasich, Jeb Bush, and even Donald Trump himself at Free Republic’s Live Thread CNN Republican Town Hall Night Two 8PM EST [Trump, Bush, Kasich]
First, Everybody Thought CNN’s Totally Gay Anderson Cooper’s “Conversations Instead of Controversy” with Kasich and Bush Were Really Boring.

Bodies of People’s Temple mass suicide cult victims led by Jim Jone’s in Jonestown, Guyana, 1978. (AP Photo)
Then At 10:10 PM, It Was The Donald’s Turn
Hopefully, it’ll be worth watching next Thursday in Houston when Wolf Blitzer tries to moderate the Survivors From South Carolina in their last Republican presidential debate before Super Tuesday.