Daily Archives: February 10, 2016

Special “New Hampshire Primary” E-dition



Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers

image005image004With only “272” more days until the 2016 Presidential Elections, would anybody like to hear who’ll be dropping out after New Hampshire’s First-in-the-Nation Primaries last night? Noted New Hampshire Political Reporter Manchester Tadwell


image005My big win was “Yuge!” —Donald Trump


image005Please don’t forget to mention my BFD win in Dixville Notch. —Ohio Governor John Kasich


image005We say Kasich’s less-that-16% second-place finish vaults him into “GOP Prominence.” —Kasich Cheerleaders At The Fishwrap 


image005image006As soon as all of our 23 Republican apportioned delegates have been allocated, can we go back to sleep until 2020? —Irrelephant Elephants in the Granite State


image005But if there was ever a question that the main stream media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DemocRAT party, you should’ve seen us reporting last night’s Primary Results.  — Hillary Supporters-In-The-Press


image005New Hampshire voters must not have been impressed Ted Cruz’s big win at last week’s Iowa Caucuses. —Hawkeye Bureau Chief Jan Michelson 


image005Both of my delegates agree that New Hampshire voters have “reset” the 2016 Presidential Race. —Jeb Bush


image005image009Last week when I came in third in Iowa, the Liberal Media declared me the winner. —Marco Rubio


image005I’m heading home to “take a deep breath” and take stock of my struggling presidential bid. I’d banked on a strong finish in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, despite ending up far off the pace after holding more than 70 town halls events over the past few months. —New Jersey Governor Chris Christie


image005Last night I told my supporters in Manchester “I’m not going to sit down and be quiet, and neither are you.” —Carly Fiorina


image005My former campaign chairman Barry Bennett promised I was going to win Iowa and New Hampshire. —Ben Carson


image005image010Can Trump be stopped? Maybe not! —Ohio First District Congressman Steve Chabothead


image005If he’s the Republican nominee, I would support him. —Ohio Second District Podiatrist/ Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup, Who Survived an Un-endorsement Vote in Clermont County Last Week


image005Despite her crushing loss, Hillary will still get more delegates than Bernie. —Disingenuous DemocRAT National Committee For Hillary


image005How bitter was my concession speech last night? —Hillary


image005image010Obama’s debt is just a drop in the bucket compared to what I’m proposing. Entitlements would be $18 trillion during my first term ALONE. —DemocRAT Socialist Bernie Sanders


image005Reservations are closing today at 5PM to pay all that money to attend our big Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner at Music Hall on Friday. —Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP


image005Don’t forget, I’m also scheduled to be in town for a fund-raiser for Hillary’s Legal Defense Fund at the Contemporary Arts Center on Friday, too. —Disgraced Former Pants-Dropper-In-Chief Bill Clinton


image005Our Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner isn’t until March 11. —Clermont County Cronies


image005image004We’re still waiting for a press release from Rand Paul tell us how much money he has left in his campaign account after he dropped out last week. —Buckeye Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo  


image005On this date in 1996 Russian world chess champion Gary Kasparov lost the first game of a six-game match against Deep Blue, an IBM computer capable of evaluating 200 million moves per second. —Hurley the Historian  


image005That’s no big deal. One time I played 93 games of chess simultaneously and I lost every game! —Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters


image005When did you say they’ll be having those Caucuses in Kentucky?  —Trish “The Dish,” TV 19 News


image005Sheree Paolello wants to cover it live. —Jack Atherton, formerly TV5 News, now appearing on Channel 22.45 in Daytonimage003       Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer     

         Sometimes The Blower makes fun of Mainstream Media Election Coverage to show that biased reporting for political purposes will not be tolerated in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t a Left-Wing Journalist.image012This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental — especially Obama and Hillary Supporters in the Pressimage003


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Some Rabid Republican items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Rabid Republican subscribers.image003Whistleblower Video of the Day

Donald Trump’s Really Humble New Hampshire Victory Speech

