Daily Archives: February 2, 2016

Special “Conservative Caucus Coverage” E-dition



It Was a Record Republican Turnout

image004In Des Moines, Whistleblower Hawkeye Bureau Chief Jan Michelson says the best Conservative Coverage of Monday Night’s Iowa Caucuses came from Ben Shapiro at Brietbart:

image005On Monday night, Senator Sen. Ted Cruz performed the singular feat of simultaneously proving that a Republican can win Iowa without backing the ethanol boondoggle, and toppled The God Who Does Not Bleed, Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio finished stronger than expected, beating poll estimates by six percentage points; Trump finished more than four percent below expectations, while Cruz finished nearly four percent above expectations.

Naturally, the media rushed to declare Rubio tonight’s big winner.

That’s nonsense. Cruz, the most consistent conservative in the race, was the big winner. Bronze isn’t gold. And as Trump has tweeted:

“No one remembers who came in second.” – Walter Hagen

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 30, 2013

Cruz had to win Iowa in order to remain competitive in future states. He dealt Trump a blow that will test Trump’s mettle, and withstood The Donald’s biggest campaign haymakers in order to do it. He beat back a media assault on him that ranged from his birthplace to his Goldman Sachs connections. “Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee…will not be chosen by the media, by the establishment, or by the lobbyists,” Cruz said.

We can only hope that’s true going forward.

image005Meanwhile, here’s what Ordinary Iowans read this morning.image006

image005Now here’s what the Iowa caucus means for the only count that counts: delegates. And after all that folderol in 2016, after Iowa the top three candidates have about the same number of delegates.image007

image005Hawkeye Bureau Chief Jan Michelson remembers a similar situation in 2012 with Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum when The Blower called it a Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Roundimage010

Mitt Romney had eked out an eight-vote victory over Rick Santorum, whom Charles Krauthammer predicts has a 1-50 chance of being the nominee. Ron Paul’s camp spun: “My third place finish was nothing to be ashamed of,” after which our Quote for Today Committee chose as its quote the day: “Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.”  Fourth-place Newt Gingrich was furious, and sources say he’s plotting an Anti-Romney Alliance with Santorum. Fifth place Rick Perry headed back to Texas to re-assess his campaign, after spending $407-per-vote, more than all the other candidates combined. Michelle Bachmann said “Bye-Bye” after coming in sixth, and Jon Huntsman easily secured seventh place with his one percent of the vote.

Noted Iowa Political Reporter Ypsen Tadwell said that after all the hype, Iowa’s 25 delegate count stands at: Romney (6), Santorum (6), Paul (6), Gingrich (4), and Perry (3).  How many delegates will the Republican nominee need— only 1144?

Right-wing Radio Talk Show Host Rushmore Limbaugh said when John McCain endorses Romney it would symbolize much of what the GOP base doesn’t want in its 2012 nominee. Wake up, TEA Partiers!

image005Meanwhile back at the Conservative Agenda, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane reminded Political Insiders that Ronald Reagan didn’t win the Iowa Caucus in 1980 (which he lost to George H.W. Bush). Reagan then went on to the win the nomination and the presidency. In fact, Reagan went on to win in a landslide.image011

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image005Maybe that’s why our Quote For Today Committee chose Yogi Berra’s “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Yogi also said, “The future ain’t what it used to be,” and The Blower’s hoping Yogi was wrong about that one. image013image003image015