Special “Meeting Mishmash” E-dition



It’s Really Hard Being In Two Places At Once

Today’s Whistleblower Calendar says about this time this afternoon we should be trying to decide which event to cover– Congressman Thomas Massie’s Boehner Bashing Town Hall at the Erlanger City Building in Northern Kentucky or that League of Women Vipers so-called Candidates Forum scheduled at the Anderson Center.

image010image004Anderson TEA Party Trustee Andy Pappas says “It’s hard to believe the nearly total lack of interest in the Vipers’ so-called “Ballot Issues and Candidates Night (whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean) that promises to be almost as boring as last night’s first 2016 Disingenuous DemocRAT Presidential “Debate” in Las Vegas. 
image010The Forest Hills Urinal
says this event is supposed to present a discussion of Ohio Issue 1 (the redistricting reform proposal), the parks levy, and other ballot issues, followed by a “meet and greet” handshaking event with candidates running for Hamilton County Municipal Court District 4; Anderson Trustee “In Russ We Trust” Jackson and Fiscal Officer Ken “Just One More Budweiser, Please” Dietz running for re-election; Forrest Gump School Board members Randy Smith and Jim Frooman are running unopposed for re-election as a reward for their part in “Smiling Dallas” Jackson’s $103 million building bond issue scam that would increase everybody’s property taxes by thousands of dollars; and other ne’er do well candidates for even more minor local offices. It is not known of Ohio Second District Congressman/ Podiatrist “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup will be there personally, or if Field Representative “Adorable Annie” Wilkerson will be on hand like she was at “Bronze Star’s” Town Hall last month.

image010image008That sounds really dull and boring. But what if somebody asked Park Board Members to explain why they pulled their Land Scam Tax Levy that everybody knew was going down in flames after last week’s Editorial in The Blower?

image010And maybe Forrest Gump School Board members Randy Smith and Jim Frooman might like to answer questions about their latest Political Correctness Provocation:

image011Word is they’re giving the children a list of all the kids in their class and they are being asked to note which fellow student in the class has bullied them or other members of the class. They are then being asked to state the number of times each student has performed this bullying by entering a number next to the child’s name that supposedly performed the bullying. Younger children don’t even really understand what they are being asked to do. The confusion may be accusing an innocent child of something they have not really done. Maybe older kids will use this “survey” as a weapon against other children they don’t like. What’s next? Having children rat out their parents for things Liberals find objectionable?

image010image010Maybe The Blower should publish a “survey” like this:

In the following list, which members of Forest Hills leadership do you feel has bullied you, the citizen or voter, in any way:

  1. Randy Smith
  2. Jim Frooman
  3. Forest Heis
  4. Tony Hemmelgarn
  5. Julie Bissinger
  6. Dallas Jackson 

Please note the number of times each has bullied you.  Bullying can mean anything you want it to mean.

image013Bullying includes their allowing student bully surveys like this one.  It also includes making those surveys without any student survey on bullying by the teaching staff, administrators, and any other district employee such as a teaching assistant, janitor, or bus driver.

Other examples of bullying might include:  asking your support for tax levies because disaster will strike all the children if you don’t vote for the levy, presenting you with misleading facts about the purposes behind a levy, illegally using your tax money and district resources for levy campaign purposes, hiding facts about employee misbehavior and bullying so that it could continue (such as in the Dallas Jackson affair), playing favorites with school buildings their own kids attend or in their own neighborhoods, and hiding public information from you in bogus executive sessions.

 Next up:  Whistleblower Bullying Surveys on the Anderson Parks Board and Township Trustees.image003image005