Annual “Little Big Horn Massacre Anniversary” E-dition

 Header-June 24 Custer


Gatling Guns? We Don’t Need No Stinking Gatling Guns!

image010image004 - Copy (2)Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1876 Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer had a lapse in judgment when he underestimated the number of Indians at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, and also forgot to bring his three Gatling guns because they might slow down his cavalry, not unlike the lapse in judgment Obama exhibited when people told him he was making a big mistake pulling all our troops out of Iraq before the mission had been successfully completed.

image010 Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee Chose Custer’s “There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Cavalry.”

image010Not only that, here’s our Joke of the Day: Q: What’s the difference between Custer and Obama? A: That’s what we say— what’s the difference!

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image010Thom Hartmann says Obama is a modern day version of Custer, because
Like Custer, Obama is prideful, self-promoting, lacking empathy, and convinced of the correctness of his actions while engaging in the systematic dispossession and destruction of the 99%’s natural resources, rights, as well as way of life all for the benefit of a few moneyed interests. 

He is at his best in this endeavor when he blames the Republicans or otherwise chooses when to employ inaction, all the while bending the laws and the Constitution to suit his further imperialism and accumulation of wealth.  Obama is truly Bill Clinton’s protégé.

image010Somebody Else said Obama is leading the country into the same kind of mess Custer led his men into. He wants Congress, me, and the American people to walk shoulder to shoulder with him into that mess.

No thank you, Mr. President, we don’t take orders from you. We’re not in the military. Neither is my Congressman, nor is my family. Your entire tenure as president has been one Battle of the Big Horn. You have dragged the country into a box canyon and Greece is just around the corner. And, you are no leader. You are a speaker and a campaigner, not a leader.  You are the worst president in this nation’s history. If you can’t get Congress and the public to follow you, you can’t conscript us into the military. Mr. Obama, you definitely need to find a different line of work.


Other Strategic Blunders

image010Today in Obama’s Politically Correct America, Obama Supporters in the Press are doing their best to erase all history of the Pre-Civil War South while a Gay Bar becomes a National Historic Landmark In New York City.   
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image010But Photo Shop Editorial Spoofer Edward Cropper wonders if we should be consistant and also take down the Fascist, Anti-Christian Gay Pride Flag.
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Now everybody’s wonder how The Fishwrap will be exploiting Thursday’s Big Gay Supreme Court Ruling today. Do you think the Entire Front Page will be enough?


 Judging the Judge

 image011 - CopyIn that Feckless Fishwrapper story promoting a favorable image of Cop Killer Trepierre Hummons [READ MORE HERE], Kevin Grasha and Dan Horn said “Four years ago, when he was 17, Hummons armed with a gun, stole a car and broke into a home. A police report on the incident says Hummons told the victim “this is a robbery” and demanded he take him into the house. Hummons went to trial in Hamilton County Juvenile Court and admitted to the crime.

If Hummons had been bound over to adult court and been convicted there, Hummons would have faced up to 10 years in prison plus an additional three mandatory years for using a gun. Hummons remained in juvenile court instead, and served 90 days in lockup and another year on probation.”

CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET wonders why Grasha and Horn failed to name that Juvenile Court Judge who failed to follow the sentencing guidelines in Hummons’ case.  Will that Anonymous Jurist be attending Thursday’s public visitation for Hummons’ murder victim, Cincinnati Police Officer Sonny Kim, at Xavier University’s Cintas Center? Maybe WLW Hate Radio Trash Talker Bill Cunningham could enlighten us during his next interview with the Murderer’s Father.


More Conservative Commentary

 image010image013 - CopyCONSERVATIVE CURMUDGEON STU MAHLIN found fault with Xavier University Associate Theology Professor Dr. Adam Clark’s claim that the #South Carolina Shooter was merely a “Product of his Culture” during the Age of Obama. Stu says, RE:  Violence committed by Muslims is a terrorist act. Violence committed by blacks is thuggery. Violence committed by white males is almost always reported as an isolated incident. No matter how morally obscene the white person’s act, his religion, history, way of life and white racial identity is never called into question. White mass murders represent nothing but themselves – an odd anomaly, separated from the living history of race-based terrorism in the United States. Let’s all — black, white, red, yellow, brown — pray that this collectivist, wannabe-intellectual racist doesn’t make it to full professor.

However, today’s Liberal Liar Award goes to University of Michigan history professor Juan Cole, who wrote a blog post Sunday blaming “Islamophobes” and “far right wing Jews” for shaping the racist views of Charleston shooter Dylann Storm Roof, despite no evidence that was the case.

Several Conservative Media Outlets carried the following Right-Wing Reactionimage015 - Copy



image017Where are all the modern school improvements the school district promised for raising our taxes?  Seven months have passed and we’ve seen no results. Is where the money going being covered up like “Smiling Dallas” Jackson almost was?

Why aren’t you telling us about the changes you are making to the plans you used to sell your tax levy?  Is it because “Smiling Dallas” mismanaged those plans like he mismanaged everything else?  Are you not planning to deliver all he/you promised?

Are you school board people going to force The Blower to call you out on what you knew and when you knew it about misuse of public resources during the levy campaign?  There is a complaint with your name on it just waiting to be filed.  We know what you knew and when you knew it.

Why are incumbent school board members going to run for your positions again when you created, then mismanaged, the mismanagement?  Why would anyone believe your campaign promises?  Why would anyone forgive you for wasting $283,000 of our tax dollars to get rid of someone who deserved to be fired and you should not have hired in the first place?  Spare us from dragging you through your own shit, please – although we might get some satisfaction from it.

When is someone going to force a halt to the facilities disaster, demand a reevaluation, and make you do something good instead of letting you mindlessly carry out the Jackson-Smith-Frooman-Heis-Hemmelgarn plan to “just do something.”  If “Smiling Dallas” Jackson got fired, so should his/your stupid facilities plan. Our tax money deserves a better fate.

Meanwhile, Anderson Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson continues to claim that to the best of his knowledge, he is not now nor has he ever been related to Disgraced Ex-Forrest Gump Schools Superintendent “Smiling Dallas” Jackson

image010ALSO IN ANDERSON, the Park Board voted to place a 0.7 mill 15 year tax levy proposal to purchase the Beech Acres RecPlex property on the November ballot. This was actually the second smallest possible levy they were entitled to propose, and there was no public discussion. The Park Board went into executive session immediately after calling the meeting to order. Anderson Trustee Josh Gerth (who shilled for the Forrest Gump Tax-Hike Scam and Forest Hills School Board President Randy Smith joined the Park Board during that closed session. Two of the Park Board members, Dale Bartholomew and Tom Turchiano abstained from voting because they’re not totally sure if the Township Trustees plan to renew their memberships on the Board, since their potential replacements will soon be interviewed. More information is available, The Blower will be sure to keep you informed.image019

 More Media Madness

image010image035TAN LINES ON TROLLOPS: Everybody’s enjoying the warm summer weather, and as Bunky Tadwell told us earlier this month in his “Hot Weather Warmup”:

It’s time to grab your bathing suit
To have a refreshing swim
And check and see if all the girls
Have got their bikini trim.

image010image019That’s why in Anderson, the European Wax Center at the Anderson Towne Center is offering FREE BIKINI WAXES.

image010image020 - CopyLONG-TIME LOCAL NEWS READER CLYDE GRAY announced his retirement a year ago after nearly 24 years at Channel 9 “Substantially True” News. The Blower remembers when Clyde first showed up. We were making fun of Anchorman Randy Little’s hair in those days, as you can see by the item published on June 25, 1991, in Edition #56. [SEE EDITION #56 HERE]

image010FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, a Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane how organizers are coming along trying to find people to walk in all those upcoming Independence Day Parades. “They’re making progress,” Kane reported. “Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas says the Anderson Township Republican Club (including Newtown and Mt. Washington) is looking for volunteers to walk the entire 28-mile parade route through Anderson, Newtown, and Mt. Washington during the Fourth of July Parade. And just think, when you’re done, Ohio’s Second District Podiatrist Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup can check out your smelly feet.”


More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans


Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our June fund-raising drive from the Big Gay Burly Bakers, asking you to come in and check out their buns after Thursday’s Big Gay Supreme Court Ruling.



e-mail your striking similarities today

Some Obama-bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama-bashing subscribers.


Whistleblower Video of the Day 

Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends

(Sent in by Rob “Fighting for Faggots” Portman, who says if Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t show up for Saturday’s Gay Pride Parade, he could always fill in.)

 image025Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.



 Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found hereimage019image025