Tag Archives: What Else Rhymes With “Nantucket?”

Special “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition

Trump’s 945th Day In Office

What Else Rhymes With “Nantucket?”
This week, everybody who remembers how wrong it was for Obama to go on another lavish over-taxed payer funded vacation when so many Americans were staying home on their vacations, that’s if they were ever lucky enough to find jobs during Obama’s Longest Economic Recovery in History, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

image005The winner is our own Kennebunk Tadwell, whom we have all come to know and love as the Bard of Cleves, (shown here watching the parade still passing him by) who can now stop wondering how the media would cover a white Republican president during a race riot, like when the Obamas danced to nearly every song during a birthday party at the Farm Neck Golf Club in Martha’s Vineyard, at the same time cops and protesters were exchanging tear gas and Molotov cocktails at Obama’s big race riot in Ferguson, Missouri.

           Bunky wins an “I Vacationed With Obama” T-Shirt; an autographed pictures of Obama playing his 190th round of golf seven minutes after he finished his comments on the Missouri race riots; and an excuse so he doesn’t have to attend this year’s AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic at Coney Island. His winning limerick is:    


            When Obama went to Nantucket

            It cost us more than a drop in a bucket.

            His job bored him to tears,

            So for the past eight years,

            He’s told us all just to go suck it.  

           (Or was that Bill Clinton’s Limerick?)


         Thomas De Torquemada says        

         When Obama went to Nantucket,
         Overtaxed payers paid for his junket.
         Eight years’ vacations for $72 mil,
         Gettin’ down wif da peeps – you know the drill;
         And we’re the ones to whom he stuck it!


         Robin in Ludlow says

When Obama went to Nantucket
Having shred the Constitution, he said just fuck it
I have a pen and a phone
I can do things on my own
And those who like the rule of law can just suck it



   And from the Anderson Laureate, who says it would be blasphemous to try to improve on the classic “There Once Was A Man From Nantucket” (with a really long penis)


          There once was a man from Nantucket

          Whose dick was so long he could suck it

          He said with a grin

          While wiping his chin

          If my ear were a hole I could fuck it.


And From Perturbed In Park Hills, We Have:

When Obama went to Nantucket

To look for big money to suck it


From the pockets of leftist big shots,

He tied Vineyard air traffic in knots


While he chilled out in his golf cart,

Poring over his money chart.


The FAA said “Sorry, no fly!

You can kiss your seaplane biz good-bye!”


But the fundraiser-in-chief didn’t care,

Nor about those millions in airfare


His vacays cost over-taxed payers,

While he schmoozed with NBA players.


“Golf and big moola- what me worry?

I have Soros’ favor to curry!


Let HRC inherit my mess.

She’ll roll over Trump, thanks to the press.”


So said the Photo-Op President

During two terms of our discontent.


The First Line of Next Week’s Limerick Is

Here’s what we’ll celebrate on this Labor Dayimage017


Barack and Michelle Obama have just purchased a 7,000 square foot estate on 29 acres of Martha’s Vineyard real estate (that you’ll never be invited to visit), where the East Coast power elite gathers during summers to hobnob with each other. The purchase price reportedly was below the $14.85 million asking price, continuing the Obamas’ track record of scoring bargains on upscale real estate, though there is no indication that Tony Rezko had anything to do with the deal.

image017Whistleblower Video of the Day
The Little Boy Who Cried ‘NAZI’! | Louder With Crowder

image007Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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