Tag Archives: Hate Speech

Special “Tuesday’s Triumphs” E-dition

— Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda —    

Tonight’s Top Conservative News Stories You Won’t See On The Front Page Of Tomorrow’s Fishwrap

(Or On Channels 5, 9, 12, And 19, Either)

— In Last Night’s Blower — 

We said White nationalists were supposed to be in Charlottesville, VA to protest the city’s plan to remove that statue. Black-Lies Matters and other Soros Alt-Left Rent-a-Mobs the Liberal Propaganda Media is euphemistically calling “Counter Protesters” used that permitted event as their excuse to oppose them “violently.” It was all part of The Destroy Trump Media’s false narrative politicizing the tragedy. Charlottesville Police are also being criticized for their lack of performance, because The Left started the violence in Charlottesville when Police directed White Nationalists to disperse right where Antifa was. 

Trump Doubled Down On His Charlottesville Response In A Wild Press Conference

Tucker Carlson Reacted To Trump’s Press Conference

And the Mother Of The Charlottesville Victim Thanked President Trump

Meanwhile On TV We Saw
Trump Disavowing Racists Over and Over Again – While The Destroy Trump Media Establishment Said Exactly the Opposite

A Black Lies Matter Founder Claimed Hate Speech Isn’t Protected By First Amendment

And A Disingenuous DemocRAT Commentator Questioned The “Blackness” of African-American Trump Supporter

While The Always Helpful CAIR Said To Tear Down Every Confederate Memorial

Meanwhile, Lawbreakers Elsewhere Were Tearing Down Another Confederate Statue
An angry group of self-described socialists and others gathered at the base of a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina — and proceeded to tie a rope around the statue and yank it down. Several people then spit on and kicked the statue. The destruction was billed as a “motion of solidarity” with the victims of the Charlottesville chaos over the weekend.

While Police Ignored The Toppling Of That Confederate War Memorial

But At Least Today, Durham Deputies Arrested One Woman Seen In The Video

And In Texas, Cops Spent 11 Minutes Searching A Woman’s Vagina But Found No Drugs

Now Here’s Tonight’s Fake News Fun From The Onion

Charlottesville Suspect Might Have Received Tacit Support From High-Level Government Figure 

WASHINGTON—Suggesting he did not act alone but with implicit backing at the highest levels, the FBI said Monday that the suspect charged with murder for ramming his car into a crowd of protesters in Charlottesville over the weekend may have received tacit support from a powerful U.S. government figure. “While James Alex Fields Jr. was the man behind the wheel, we have every reason to believe that he benefited from the quiet patronage of someone of great importance in the American executive branch,” said FBI director Christopher Wray, adding that the agency has for months suspected that white nationalists had an influential de facto ally in that arm of government and that recent events have only validated their theory. “Rather than openly declare common cause with U.S. neo-Nazi terrorist acts, we believe this official prefers to discreetly provide assistance from a removed position where he can operate with at least a modicum of plausible deniability.” At press time, the FBI said it was not quite ready to release the individual’s name but said it likely would soon, as evidence continued to mount every day.  (MORE FROM THE ONION)

— Tonight’s Report From The Babylon Bee —

‘Nuke ‘Em, Donald,’ Tiny Robert Jeffress Whispers Into Trump’s Ear

WASHINGTON, D.C.—During a brief moment of introspection in which President Trump was reportedly thinking about how to handle the volatile situation in North Korea, witnesses claim a miniaturized version of Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas appeared on the commander in chief’s shoulder and whispered, “Nuke ’em, Donald!” in an attempt to push the president toward military action against the impoverished Asian nation. (MORE)

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Third 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number 209. There Are Now Only 1,175 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.