Tag Archives: Greg Hartmann

Special “No Pre-Holiday” E-dition


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015                                

Especially On The News

image017image004ON WEDNESDAY’S NIGHTLY NBC TV NEWS, Obama Supporters showed Obama looking all brave reassuring America not to worry about ISIS Terrorist Attacks during the Thanksgiving Day Holiday. Curiously, they didn’t show the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Midtown Manhattan being evacuated on the busiest travel day of the year.  That was shown on a local CBS station.

 image017HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this day in 1941, Adm. Harold R. Stark, U.S. chief of naval operations, tells Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, that both President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull think a Japanese surprise attack is a distinct possibility.

Roosevelt’s “We are likely to be attacked next Monday, for the Japs are notorious for attacking without warning” the president told his cabinet, and “We must all prepare for trouble, possibly soon,” Roosevelt telegraphed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

image017MEANWHILE, WHILE AN ISIS ATTACK COULD COME AT ANY MOMENT, OBAMA’S WHITE HOUSE wants everybody to be sitting around the Thanksgiving Table talking about Republicans’ fear of Gun Control.  

 image017image007AND HILLARY’S CAMPAIGN will send you a guide to winning your Thanksgiving table debate.  

image017IN COLUMBUS, before Ohio Governor John Kasich’s Kamikaze Kampaign spent all that money promoting Donald Trump’s sold out campaign rally in Columbus on Monday, polls show Kasich in ninth place trailing Trump 27.5% to 2.8%. Wednesday, Reuters five-day rolling poll showed Kasich still way down on the list trailing the Trumpster 38% to 3%.  Who’s advising Kasich’s campaign, anyway?  


image017image007IN THIS MORNING’S “MUCKRAKER MENDACITY” E-DITION, The Blower said, “Advertising FREE Stuff for policemen was not the type of information that should be being disseminated by the police chief’s office. It’s just another indication about how loose the agency has become under its recent “leadership.”  Then again, what else would someone expect from a group of police officers who maintain a person of questionable character as their union official?

, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if employers (including governments) were noticing any particular lack of productivity from their employees on the days before holidays. “If the number of people wasting all that time on Facebook today telling all their BFFs about why they don’t like having Thanksgiving dinner with their incorrigible relatives is any indication, employers surely aren’t getting their money’s worth today.” For example, there was a post by a well-known local township official whose name you might recognize who spends entirely too much time on Facebook whining that he’d just hung up on his brother after being spoken to in a manner he was not accustomed to. How productive was that?

image017ALSO IN ANDERSON, Who could be surprised if the Anderson Township trustees, park board, and Forest Hills School Board sat down together in executive session to gorge on a super secret Thanksgiving dinner?  We can see “In Russ We Trust” Jackson cooking the dressing since he’s been toast as of the November election.  Randy Smith provides bottomless turkey.  The park board provides the salad, way more than anyone could ever eat.  Dessert is a big fat pie of property tax dollars provided by clueless township voters.  The Anderson Concerned Citizens group would at least have to admit the three boards got together “stat” even if they didn’t decide what to do with the Beech Acres property. 

image017image011RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Friday, Black Lies Matter will be staging another total bullshit rally in front of the Cincinnati Police Headquarters to see how much local media coverage they can get when they complain about what happened at other Black Lies Matter rallies in Minneapolis and Chicago. How many police officers will be assigned to babysit those fools? The Blower was wrong. We thought on Friday Black Lies Matter would be complaining about those racist Black Friday Sales events.

image017STUPID STREETCAR UPDATE: After the 1st District Court of Appeals announced Wednesday it upheld a previous ruling that city over-taxpayers, not Duke Energy ratepayers, would be responsible for paying an additional $15 million to relocate utilities along the 3.6-mile streetcar route through Downtown and Over-the-Rhine. “We’re really surprised over-taxed payers are getting screwed again,” said not one person ever.  

image017CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET says
everybody’s talking about why Hamilton County Commissioner Me, Greg Hartmann bailed out of his 2016 Re-election Campaign against a Dumbed-Down DemocRAT who’s proud to be Hillary’s Spokesperson. Maybe he saw how many seats Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP lost county wide on November 3 and he didn’t want the same thing to happen to him.

image017TIS THE SEASON: Does anyone wonder why the GOP Christmas party on December 4 is being held at the Art Museum instead of that dump on the west side? Perhaps it is because David Linnenberg, Green Township trustee, and Art Museum development director needs to boost attendance at that boring location. After all, why go to the art museum when you can see modern porn at the Contemporary Art Museum?

And how much do groups like the Blue Ash Republican Club and the Sycamore Township Republican Club really hate each other? They scheduled their Christmas parties at the very same time on the very same day.

And how about Rob “Fighting for Same Sex Marriages” Portman’s 60th Birthday Party Fund-raising Scam with special guest Mitt Romney on December 5 at the University Club? How shameless is that?

 image012image017IN CLERMONT COUNTY, will there really be any big news on December 1 at the Clermont County TEA Party meeting? Some people say Ted Stevenot is planning to run for another office, then suddenly back out again, like he did the last two times. Or is he just trying to make money by selling copies of another book?

image017INTERNSHIPS SUDDENLY AVAILABLE: Shortly after word came that Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup might have a primary opponent next year, openings immediately became available for interns with his office, both in Washington D.C. and Ohio. Coincidence? We think not!

image017FINALLY, IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY, BLUEGRASS BUREAU CHIEF KEN CAMBOO says our Good Friend, Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney Rob Sanders forgot to publish a “Murdering Muslim Terrorists Disguised As Syrian Refugees” Edition of his “This Week in Kenton County Circuit Court” Newsletter this week, but he did include these guys’ pictures in his Thanksgiving Day E-dition.

