Special “Keeping Terrorists Out” E-dition



And You Wonder Why Jimmy Carter Is Smiling Tonight

image004On Friday, Obama said his strategy against ISIS was working and the terrorist group was “contained.” Hours later, ISIS launched a multi-pronged terrorist attack in Paris, killing and wounding hundreds of people.

image007Now, after thinking it over for a weekend, with ISIS threatening to attack Washington, D.C., Obama still claims his strategy against ISIS is working and wouldn’t change it at all. He’s doubling down and won’t stop his Stupid Syrian So-Called Terrorist Resettlement Plan.

image007FBI Director James Comey says there’s no way to be background checks on all those potential terrorists, but White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes came out on the Sunday morning talk shows and told the American people the plan will proceed.

image007image005Already, several states with Republican Governors (including Ohio, Kentucky, and  Indiana) are taking a stand and refusing to allow the Obama administration to resettle “terrorists” in their states. Even Cincinnati’s Mayor Cranley is just saying no to Syrian “Suicide Bombers,” and Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas says they can’t come here, either, plus those Arabs don’t know how to eat with chopsticks, anyway.

image007But White House officials have vowed lawsuits if states move to block this resettlement. Can you imagine? The President of the United States would actually sue states to force them to welcome terrorists.

image007The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization (whose Executive Director lives in Erlanger), today decried the “un-American” statements by a growing number of Republican governors in opposition to the acceptance of Syrian terrorists into their states.

image007image006If Obama is allowed to admit tens of thousands of so-called refugees without complete background checks, then we will suffer an attack. It only takes one terrorist to slip through.

image007But keeping terrorists out has never really been the Obama administration’s goal. They are more interested in open borders than protecting the homeland from attack. In every instance, they have lowered the requirements for admission to the point where an immigrant or refugee can admit to helping finance terrorism and still be let into the United States.

image007Congress has the power to stop this. They could defund Obama’s plan right now and they likely have the votes. But neither Paul Ryan nor Mitch McConnell seems interested in bringing this issue up. Maybe it’s time for some patriotic Members of Congress to speak up.

image015All of this stuff is totally unbelievable. The Blower couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried.image010image001