Daily Archives: November 15, 2015

Special “Weekend Wisdom” E-dition



This Week’s Top Stories

image007OUR NUMBER ONE VETERANS DAY STORY THIS WEEK was in our “Veterans Day Morning” E-dition, when The Blower said: “We’re Getting Ready To Get Served!”


image007OUR NUMBER TWO VETERANS DAY STORY THIS WEEK was in our in our “Veterans Day Afternoon” E-dition, when The Blower said, “The Grub Crawl Continues!”


image007AND OUR NUMBER THREE VETERANS DAY STORY THIS WEEK was in our “Veterans Day Evening” E-dition, when The Blower said, “The Grub Crawl Finally Ended!”



Edward Cropper’s World

Today, PHOTO-SHOP EDITORIAL SPOOFER EDWARD CROPPER shows us:  Kasich: Trump Selling ‘Snake Oil,’ ‘Won’t Stand the Light of Day Against Hillary’; Fact-Checker Hits Hillary For Claiming She Tried To Join The Marines; and Mizzou Campus Activists and Black Lives Matter Complain: Paris Stole Our Spotlight!


You can see more of Mr. Cropper’s fine work HERE.image010

 This Week’s Top Item On The Conservative Agenda

image013At Saturday afternoon’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane what he thought the Free Republic’s Jim Robinson’s call to “Impeach Obama NOW!! Before the Islamofascists attack US again!!”: Robinson said Obama’s wanton lawlessness, criminal incompetence, willful neglect, refusal to enforce the law, refusal to secure the borders, refusal to even recognize the obvious enemy, refusal to take Islamic terrorism seriously, etc, leaves us wide open to terrorist attack. Our borders and nation must be secured! All Islamics here on temporary visas must be rounded up and deported now! Recent Islamic immigrants should be suspect. Obama’s treasonous policies are inviting ISIS to attack us!! Don’t let it happen again.”

The Blower totally agrees,” Kane said, “We can hardly wait to see what happens when Obama arrives at the G20 Summit and tries to rally world leaders behind his latest plans to combat radical Islamist fighters. What could possibly go wrong, especially after Obama told ABC News Disingenuous DemocRAT Suck-up George Stephanopoulos on Friday that thanks to his leading from behind, our Commander-in-Grief asserted ISIS had not gained strength and that “we have contained them.”  A few hours later, when Murdering Muslims from ISIS yelling “Allah Akbar” struck in Paris, Obama would not even speculate who may have been behind the attack and Obama totally omitting the word “Islam” from his official Paris Terror Attack Statement, as the Obama Administration moved to ‘increase and accelerate’ admission of Syrian Invaders into the United States.


 image015The Blower believes the next 361 days will be the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media. Congress and Kneepad Liberals in the Press will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity to advance to Liberal Agenda.

But as The Blower predicted, news coverage will continue to be Biased and Dishonest to appeal to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, and watching Ryan and McConnell these days is enough to make some Real Republicans say “Screw it,” and become Libertarians, as if that would do anybody any good. 

Meanwhile, some other current items on The Conservative Agenda will just have to wait, including: Obama’s Leadership, The Clinton Legacy, Other Dishonest Democrats, Obama’s Secret Service, Biden’s Blunders, Obama Supporters In The Press, DemocRATS In Disarray, Polling For Trolls, Veterans, Racial Healing, Amnesty For Future DemocRATS, Baby Killing, and Making Sure Not To Hurt The Feelings Of All Those Murdering Muslim Bastards.image010

This Week’s Stupidest Liberal Statement Award

image016A top administration official said Sunday that the U.S. government is carefully vetting Syrian refugees to make sure there are no terrorists among them, even though one of the suicide bombers involved in the terrorist attacks on Paris reportedly entered through Greece amid Syrian refugees. “We have very extensive screening procedures for all Syrian refugees who come to the United States,” said White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes on NBC’s Meet the Press. “There is a very careful vetting process that includes our intelligence community, our Counterterrorism Center and the Department of Homeland Security.”image010

 Whistleblower War on Political Correctness

image019At Thursday morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Diversity Running Amok in Missouri these days.

Tuesday in The Blower’s “Crazy on Campus” E-dition, The Blower reported how the Inmates had taken over the asylum in the University of Missouri, where Black football players boycotted football over a black activist’s hunger strike. The University of Missouri President resigned after Black Lives Matter Protests spread, claiming they represented every Black Student at the university. A Professor ordered students to block and harass campus newspaper reporter, claiming, “You don’t have a right to take our photos” in a Free Speech Zone. The Missouri Law School Student Government tried to ban being meanness on the internet. And Obama praised protestors after forcing the University of Missouri President to step down.

“It’s Just like What Rush Limbaugh said,” Kane explained, “Our Liberal Institutions of Higher Victimization Are Getting Exactly What They Deserve.” Those two university administrators who resigned over protests based on lies shows you what’s wrong with Obama’s Academia these days.”

And you still say all this political correctness crap isn’t destroying America?

image021Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry, according to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Voters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, who would rather ride to downtown Cincinnati on a bus and stand in line for three hours to vote, than mail in absentee ballots.

Now Here’s Today’s Politically Incorrect Joke: WLW Hate Radio Trash Talking Racist-in- Residence Bill Cunningham told us this one: Q. What should you do if a girl sits on your hand? A. Try to get her off.image010

Angry Andersonians

image022The Blower’s Investigation is nearly complete into what happened in Anderson Township on Election Night.  That’s when a Dishonest Disguised Obama Liberal DemocRAT got herself elected by telling a lot of lies to defeat Anderson Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson by successfully convincing a lot of dumbed-down voters that she was really “non-partisan.” True, our Disingenuous DemocRATS and their friends at the schools were dishonest, but Republicans only have themselves to blame. They should’ve seen it coming and they should’ve done something about it. They’ll have a lot to think about during the next 1,451 Days until Election Day on November 5, 2019, which will be the soonest those Absurd Andersonians can attempt to undo the damage they did last Tuesday.image010

 More About Northern Kentucky

image023Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says it seems Republican Kentucky Governor-elect Matt Bevin got more support from Northern Kentucky than expected, and now local leaders (including our Feckless Fishwrappers who endorsed Bevin’s Disingenuous DemocRAT opponent Jack Conway) are wondering how much state money will be coming their way for their favorite projects. The Blower’s says they shouldn’t hold their breath. Let the sucking up begin.image010

 The Feck Stops Here

image024 This week, Feckless Fishwrapper-in-Chief Rick Green announced an historic Thanksgiving Day Publication, with single-copy sales of the paper appearing on more than 900 racks around Greater Cincinnati on Wednesday evening, November 25. It’s just what everybody in the Tri-State has been waiting for—MORE FREAKING ADVERTISING! Now you know why he’s smiling!

Meanwhile, our Feckless Fishwrappers still appear to be continuing to promoting all their other favorite Liberal Causes, as well as supporting “Millennials, Public Breast-feeders, Trans-Racists Who Want To Call Themselves Black, Transgenders Just Looking for a Place to Pee, Over-Sexed Swingers in the Suburbs, Perverted Physicians, and Corpsefuckers at the Morgue, along with PC (If It’s Politically Correct, You Can’t Object), Tree Hugging, Keeping People From Smoking, Diversity Uber Alles, Unions Blues, Fanatical Feminists, Supporting Sodomy Rites, Global Warming: G-Uncontrol, Liberal Brainwashing In Schools, Voting Rights For People Who Are Too Stupid To Vote, Streetcars, Scalping the Washington Redskins, and Giving Away Free Stuff With Your Money.

image025But why should any of this surprise you? After all, don’t our Feckless Fishwrappers always say:  It’s not Baseball, Mom, or Apple Pie that have always made our area great, it’s our “Disgraceful Diversity.”image010image001