Special “Veterans Day Morning” E-dition



The Breakfast Brigade

image005Reveille was 0600 this morning when members of the Anderson Veterans Society of all races, creeds, and sexual orientations began boarding buses for the Second Annual Veterans Day Grub Crawl at Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Office, located at 7954 PFC James Miller IV Memorial Highway (aka Beechmont Avenue), so Anderson Veterans could visit every one of the 487 area restaurants in Anderson and the surrounding tri-state areas offering Free Food for Veterans on Veterans Day 2015.

image005image010First stop was for Breakfast with some Navy Veterans at Bob Evans (Hotcakes, brioche French toast, and the country biscuit breakfast),

Then swapping war stories with the Army Infantry Veterans at  IHOP (Red, White & Blue Pancakes, which come with glazed strawberries (red), blueberry compote (blue), and whipped cream (white.)

Then we heard about bombing missions from Air Force Veterans at Denny’s (Pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and hash browns)

Then there was a quick stop with Marine Corps Veterans at White Castle (Breakfast slider and a small coffee or other drink)

But unfortunately, The Anderson Veterans Society Grub Crawl didn’t include joining the Coast Guard Veterans at Friendly’s (A free Big-Two-Do combo meal for breakfast, or free All American Burger with fries and a drink for lunch or dinner), because there wasn’t a Friendly’s restaurant within fifty miles.

image005During all those Morning Meals, Anderson Veterans were talking about how there had been no really large-scale terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11, and how the 2012 election results showed patriotism didn’t seem to be quite so important to most people. Yesterday was the Marine Corps’ 239th birthday, but they had to buy their own cake.

image005image006You’d think all that would’ve changed on November 5, 2009, when Murdering Muslim Major Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar!” (Arabic for “God is great!”), before opening fire and killing 13 American soldiers and wounded 30 others during Fort Hood’s 9/11. The Obama Administration still won’t call all those murders a “Terrorist Attack.” Some people will tell you the Fort Hood Massacre was caused by Political Correctness. What a politically incorrect thing to say. So yesterday signs at the Mt. Washington Recreation Center were misspelled when they said they’d be closed on “Veteran’s Day.”
image005And how about two years ago on April 15? The Murdering Muslim Tsarnaev Brothers (Tamerlan and Dzhokhar) set off two pressure cooker bombs that killed three people and injured an estimated an estimated 264 others during the Boston Marathon?

image005image010And how about what happened three years ago on September 11 in Libya right before Obama’s re-election? That’s when Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith, along with former Navy SEALs Glen A. Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi. This Veterans Day, the Obama Administration is celebrating, not only by continuing to cover up its Benghazi-Gate Scandal, but also by sending more troops to fight and die in Syria because of Obama’s clueless foreign policy clusterfuks.

image005Does anybody really believe CIA Director David Petraeus (rhymes with Betray-us) resigned over an extramarital affair, the weekend before he was scheduled to testify before Congress?  The General would’ve gotten his fifth star for adultery during the Clinton Administration. No wonder Obama’s Disgraced Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still says, “What difference does it make?”

image005image012None of this have seemed to matter for the past three Veterans Days because the 2012 Presidential Elections were already over, and there was no coincidence about that, since all those Moochers and Slackers who voted for Obama had never given a big rat’s ass about patriotism in the first place.

image005In the 2014 Mid-term Elections, the Senate swung to a Republican majority.  Ohio reelected a Republican governor and countless other Republicans were reelected or gained office. Unfortunately, the supposedly better-informed Voters who put them in office because of their Conservative ideals, couldn’t vote fast enough to approve all those additional tax levies. Go figure! 

image005This year, mattress stores are offering gigantic savings on “Veterans’ Day.” Most people in Northern Kentucky still call it “Vetruns Day.” Right-wing radio talk show hosts aren’t sure of the proper spelling, since some of these chicken hawks whose names you would know hid out during the Vietnam War somewhere in Saskatchewan.

image005And nobody knows or cares about the difference anyway, since schools are always too busy illegally campaigning for their tax-hike scams to have time to teach American Ideals to those unfortunate young people entrusted to their care.

image005But The Blower, which has always prized Patriotism above all else, thinks today we should really honor our veterans, especially the brave men and women who put their lives and careers on hold after they were called to duty in the War on Terror during since 9/11. Maybe this year the exploitation will finally stop so Matt Maupin and James Miller IV, and all those other American heroes can rest in peace.

image005And let us not forget all those family caregivers who play such an important part in the recovery of wounded personnel. They’re heroes too.


image005image016Are all those reservists and members of the National Guard really heroes? You bet! They’re just ordinary Americans who guard our country and our way of life. They are prepared to give their lives in our defense.

image005But unlike Audie Murphy, whose chest-full of medals included the Medal of Honor, when they return home, there’s no ticker tape parade. No key to the city. There’ll be no photo ops at the White House to make the president look patriotic. No interviews on TV. And unlike Jessica Lynch, no movie of the week.

Unless, of course, they try to exploit their time in Iraq for political purposes like Disingenuous DemocRAT war hero Paul Hackett who nearly upset “Mean Jean” in that 2005 special election; or they lie about their time in Vietnam like Repulsive Republican Ed Moore; who falsely claimed to be a Vietnam veteran when he was unsuccessfully running for Boondoggle County Clerk.  Or they campaign in their full-dress military uniforms like our good friend Danny Bubp-kiss-ass.

image018In fact, many ordinary Americans, who got bored watching the War in Iraq on TV ever since Saddam’s statue was pulled down in Baghdad, don’t know any reservists personally, let alone having had their lives directly affected by the military call-up. Sadly, many more couldn’t care less about the sacrifices made by so many marvelous men and women who are still paying the ultimate sacrifice so the rest of us can be safe.

image005So for all those unnamed heroes who’ve returned and those other volunteer members of the Armed Services and reservists who still may depart to protect us from all those murdering terrorist bastards overseas, you have our thanks. It’ll never make up for all your sacrifices, but at least it’s something. And for what it’s worth, our Quote for Today Committee would like to add this line from Benjamin Franklin: “There never was a good war or a bad peace.”image003

 Veterans Day Commemorative Cartoons




E-mail your patriotic prose and pictures today

image015image014When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the “Holiday Mail for Heroes” Campaign.

Some patriotic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally patriotic subscribers.image003

Whistleblower Video of the Day

One Life, One Flag, One Mile: A Summary of Project America Run II
