Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



But They Really Don’t Want You To Watch It

image004Des Moines: As the counter at the lower right hand corner of the Whistleblower Newswire continues to click off the hours, minutes, and seconds until our Disingenuous DemocRATS’ so-called debate at 9:00 PM from Des Moines, Whistleblower Hawkeye Bureau Chief Jan Michelson says if you somehow didn’t know there was an important 2016 DemocRAT image006Presidential Debate tonight, it probably wasn’t an accident. Some people would even guess the reason so many people are unaware of such a historic event, it’s because the Disingenuous DemocRAT Party doesn’t want you to watch it.

image007Remember all that hype about the Republican Debate on Tuesday? You haven’t seen any of that, especially from all those TV News Networks whose job it is to get Hillary elected. Do you think DemocRATS scheduled their Stealth Debate for 9 PM on CBS tonight because most people will be watching the Oklahoma-Baylor game on ABC, one of the most highly anticipated games of the college football season?

image007image007Let’s face it, DNC Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made it her absolute mission to stifle the DemocRAT primary debates, especially after last month’s circus exposed her party’s extreme-far left policies to the American people. That’s why she’s trying to bury them underneath faintly-advertised headlines and shoehorn them into impossibly unrealistic time slots. Debbie Downer has absolutely no interest in putting on a show of the primaries. And so far she’s really succeeding.

image007Coincidentally, the next Depressed DemocRAT Debate is scheduled for Saturday, December 19 on ABC News in Manchester, N.H. It’s the Saturday before Christmas, and total viewership should be really low. The debate is almost certainly going to get buried beneath the NBA and NHL seasons, which both historically see sharp spikes in viewership during the holidays.

image007Not only that, the last Disguised DemocRAT Debate is scheduled on Sunday, January 17 on PBS in Charleston, S.C. Aside from millions of Americans who will ask in unison, “What freaking channel is PBS?” — January 17 is the divisional round of the AFC playoffs. Let’s see — a Clinton vs. Sanders debate on taxes and foreign policy or a Patriots vs. Bengals game in icy Foxborough? The Blower predicts viewership for that game in Cincinnati could possibly be higher that of the D-Rats’ Debate.image010image001