Special “Morons At Mizzou” E-dition



The Story Of The Little Black Boy Who Cried “Racist”

image004At this morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Diversity Running Amok in Missouri these days.

image007image007Tuesday in The Blower’s Crazy on Campus” E-dition, The Blower reported how the Inmates had taken over the asylum in the University of Missouri, where Dumbed-Down Black football players boycotted football over a Black activist’s hunger strike. The University of Missouri President resigned after Black Lives Matter Protests spread, claiming they represented every Black Student at the university. A Professor ordered students to block and harass campus newspaper reporter, claiming, “You don’t have a right to take our photos” in a Free Speech Zone. The Missouri Law School Student Government tried to ban “meanness” on the internet. And Obama praised protesters after forcing the University of Missouri President to step down.

“It’s Just like What Rush Limbaugh said,” Kane explained, “Our Liberal Institutions of Higher Victimization Are Getting Exactly What They Deserve.” Those two university administrators who resigned over protests based on lies shows you what’s wrong with Obama’s Academia these days.”

Limbaugh pointed out those Mizzou Morons’ “Phony White Privilege Protests” were led by a Black graduate student whose father is a multi-millionaire executive vice president for sales and marketing for the Union Pacific Railroad, and whose 2014 compensation was a mere $8.4 million. And the Black Mizzou Moron Gay Student Body President Payton Head now says, “I’m sorry about the misinformation that I have shared through social media.” This included a made-up story of a KKK Club meeting on campus and a supposed swastika made out of shit that nobody ever saw. Besides, when did a swastika become a “threat” against Black people. Jews, perhaps, but certainly not Black folks. 

image007image008Instead of resigning when those Black football players went on strike, the University president should’ve taken a page out of the Ronald Reagan Playbook (when the Aircraft Controllers went on strike, or when students at a state university in California tried to take over their school),  and kicked the Black players off the team, and cancelled their athletic scholarships and fired any coach who wasn’t doing his job and replace all of them with people who would play or coach.  

image007Unfortunately, Missou Moron College President Tim Wolfe could’ve actually done something to improve Education in America, but he acted like the Liberal Pussy he was and resigned. Kane chose a classic Marlon Brando line from “On the Waterfront,” when he said Wolfe “coulda been a contender, instead of a bum, which is what he was.”

image007And it didn’t take long for “South Park” to depict the Missou Morons’ Safe Space Debacle.

image007So the next time our Feckless Fishwrappers get on their Diversity Soapbox, just think about those Missou Morons, because our Liberal News Media would like nothing more than for the same thing to happen here.image010image001