Daily Archives: November 5, 2015

Special “Real Anderson Insight” E-dition



A Preliminary Political Report

Magnified illustration with the word Facts on white background.

Tuesday night, after long-time Anderson Township Trustee President “In Russ We Trust” Jackson was not reelected, and will now be replaced by a Dishonest Disguised Obama Liberal DemocRAT who’d successful convinced a lot of dumbed-down voters that she was really “non-partisan,” the Conservative Agenda began investigating the problem, defining the problem, and working on ways to fix the problem, because as the official publication for all that scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in the tri-state, our readers have every right to expect nothing less. 

Now here’s today’s report from our Anonymous Andersonian, because if we published his real name, you’d certainly know who he is:

Tuesday night one could almost hear late sportscaster Howard Cosell repeating his famous call of the Foreman-Frazier heavyweight fight, this time in Anderson Township, “DOWN GOES JACKSON.  DOWN GOES JACKSON.  DOWN GOES JACKSON.”

The guy who many thought had the job security of The Pope in Anderson Township, Russ Jackson, got knocked out by independent candidate Dee Stone, a lawyer few even knew.  In Anderson Township Jackson went from “In Russ We Trust” to “Russ Is A Bust.”

Why?  The Anderson Township “Board of RINO’s” (Republicans In Name Only) thought the citizens of Anderson Township would believe anything they were told, like the “Board of RINO’s” being “fiscally conservative” even though they rarely saw a new or increasing tax levy they didn’t love and support. Well voters finally had enough and got mad.  It was time for a change and voted “Dee Is For Me.”

The Dishonest, Disguised Obama Liberal DemocRAT, who claims her qualifications for the job include her “people skills” and who supported and co-chaired the 2006 Forest Hills School District’s tax grab, says she’s ready to make hard choices, make budget cuts and collaborate with the school district and Anderson Parks District to work toward a better community.  Yeah, right!

The epilog of November Third?  The remaining two RINOs, Josh Gerth and Andrew Pappas, need to be worried as their day at the polls approaches.  Voters remember and are still mad about how the last, massive Forest Hills School Tax levy was passed.

As for Russ Jackson, you can now see him having morning coffee with another Jackson, Dallas Jackson, the disgraced former superintendent of the Forest Hills School District, as they reminisce and wonder what went wrong.

More Real Anderson Insight Laterimage008image001